Top 20 token joining Wanchain’s crosschain infrastructure

Temujin Louie
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2021

The Wanchain team is pleased to announce that a top 20 token by market cap is about to join Wanchain’s decentralised crosschain infrastructure. As such, in preparation for this exciting integration, all Storeman node operators must get ready to update their nodes!

The upgrade will be available beginning Monday, June 21st at 03:00 UTC.

What regular users need to do

As with all Wanchain’s network upgrades, the only thing you need to do is to plan ahead! While Wanchain’s Storeman node operators update their nodes, crosschain transactions may be momentarily unavailable. Any interruption should last less than an hour. Please keep an eye on Wanchain’s official Twitter account for up-to-date announcements.

What Storeman node operators need to do

Storeman node operators must upgrade their nodes to Agent version 3.1.0 as soon as possible. The Wanchain team has once again prepared a simple update script to make the process as smooth as possible.

The update script is:

cd ~/osm/

As a reminder, Storeman nodes operators that fail to upgrade their nodes in a timely manner will not be able to perform and verify crosschain transactions.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the team in Wanchain’s official tech support group on Telegram. Thank you for your continued support!

About Wanchain

True DeFi is interoperable — Wanchain, the Wide Area Network chain, is the world’s premier decentralised blockchain interoperability solution. Our mission is to drive blockchain adoption through interoperability by building fully decentralised bridges that connect the world’s many siloed blockchain networks. This crosschain infrastructure empowers developers to build truly decentralised crosschain applications to power the future of DeFi.

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Temujin Louie

CEO @ Wanchain. Blockchain true believer… for better and for worse!