Oliver Birch
Published in
6 min readNov 13, 2017


Wanchain Progress Update — November 13, 2017

Dear Wanchain Community,

Wanchain successfully completed a tokensale on October 4, 2017, raising 121,500 ETH. We really appreciate the support and patience demonstrated by the community throughout the whole process. We have overall made much progress. The developers have been hard at work on the mainnet and its release whilst the marketing, business and community teams have been busy with new hires, community expansion, conferences and strategic planning. We are excited to keep updating the community. Updates will be sent out on Mondays; you can expect to receive 1–2 a month.

1. — Development Updates

The Wanchain development team based in Beijing and Austin continues to work long hours and is making rapid progress.

Wanchain Testnet Alpha Released

Last week we released Testnet Alpha to community developers around the world and received over 140 applications for the invitation-only alpha test.

  • Ninety three (93) testers were invited. Sixty-eight (68) have joined our “Community Devs” Discord channel.
  • Fourteen (14) testers reported bugs and provided suggestions by email. Sixteen (16) suspected bugs were reported. There were two pull requests on github.

Our developers are checking and correcting the suspected bugs and will continue to do so as we prepare for the mainnet launch.

Thank you to all our testers! You have shown true commitment and played an important role already in the development of the Wanchain project.

There is still much work to do and we are focused on the tasks ahead.

Core Development

  • The core code for transactions with privacy protection is done. We are testing and debugging to confirm the safety and stability of the platform.
  • Fixed bugs identified by the Wanchain community developers and internal team.
  • The consensus algorithm and wallet(GUI) UI/UX and coding development is in progress as planned.

Mainnet Release

Currently planned for December 2017.

2. — Events

Here’s a quick summary of the events we organized and attended:

Texas Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs — Jack Lu, Dustin Byington and Jeffrey Gu attended and presented at the Texas Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs (TXACE) on October 14th.

Jack Lu presenting at the Texas Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs.

Proof of Steak (a play-on-words for “proof of stake”) — Dustin Byington presented at the Proof of Steak Cryptocurrency Happy Hour in Austin, Texas, on October 26th, on how Wanchain is creating a new distributed blockchain financial infrastructure.

Dustin Byington presenting at Proof of Steak.

Texas Bitcoin Conference — 28th and 29th of October.

Part of the Wanchain Team at the Texas Bitcoin Conference.

Wanchain Lunch and Presentation at Devcon3 — We organized a meetup and formally introduced ourselves to industry leaders and Ethereum developers in Cancun, Mexico on the 3rd of November 2017. More than 80 people attended. Dustin Byington and Jack Lu presented our plans to link the world’s digital assets.

Dustin presenting the Wanchain Project to attendees in Cancun, Mexico.
Over 80 people attended this private Wanchain event after Devcon3.

3. — New Team Additions

In October we hired six new individuals to join our team — all experts in their respective areas of research. In a few days you will be able to view the updated list of team members on our website (www.wanchain.org).

These are our new team members:

Weijia Zhang

Weijia has published over 30 research/technical papers and is named as an inventor on 20 patents. He worked for 14 years at Dell as a software engineer and has a great deal of expertise in the area of network security. Weijia has a PhD in Physics and graduated from Tesinghua university in China.

Jeremy Jia

Jeremy graduated from the Dalin University of Technology & Science and the Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a former senior engineer at Oracle. He specializes in N3, Java Card, and JVM and EVM virtual machine and cryptographic security.

Anson Lee

Anson has a MS in Telecommunications Engineering from RWTH-AACHEN University in Germany. He served as a senior software developer at Ericsson, Huawei and various startups. He is a CPA, a Go and JavaScript developer, and a blockchain enthusiast.

Liu Zhihui

Liu has more than 10 years of software development experience. He is proficient at development languages such as C++ and Golang. He has a rich development history in network transmission, software optimization, distributed architecture, and large concurrent applications.

Crane Lu

Crane graduated from Tsinghua University. He has more than 15 years of software development experience. He is proficient in C/C++, Golang, Node.js, Java and other languages.

Dapeng Hu

Dapeng has an MS in Applied Mathematics from Peking University. He is a senior ethereum developer and cryptocurrency investor. He was a former architect at Microsoft, Baidu, Oracle and Huawei. He has more than 16 years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of product development and integration projects.

4. — Other Updates

Local Community Managers

We have also started the interview process to hire local community managers. As Wanchain is a global project we do not want to limit ourselves to some regions. Our plan is to have local community managers across several regions to create and manage local meet-up groups, attend conferences, and manage regional Discord groups for important announcements. We want to keep our main social platforms but have regional Wanchain groups for tailored announcements (e.g. conferences, local meet-up groups and important crypto news for the respective regions).

We will start by hiring 12 local community managers that will support Wanchain development and awareness in their respective regions.

As our new virtual community manager handling online communications on Telegram. We have Maciej Maciejewski from Poland who has been very busy and doing a great job at answering to community queries for a few months now.

Instagram Account

We created a Wanchain Instagram account:


This is where we will upload photos from all the conferences and events we attend and host.

Cancun (Mexico) Slides

The slides from the post-Devcon3 presentation have been posted on our Instagram account.

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5. — Still Hiring!

Wanchain is still recruiting! We’re looking for additional talented developers, local community managers and management personnel. For more information please go to: https://wanchain.org/career

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About Wanchain

Wanchain connects and exchanges value between different blockchain ledgers in a distributed manner. It uses the latest cryptographic theories to build a non-proprietary cross-chain protocol and a distributed ledger that records both cross-chain and intra-chain transactions. Any blockchain network, whether a public, private or consortium chain, can integrate with Wanchain to establish connections between different ledgers and perform low cost inter-ledger asset transfers. The Wanchain ledger supports not only smart contracts, but also token exchange privacy protection.

Thank you for your continued support. Wanchain would not be the same without our amazing community!

These are our official social platforms:

919 subscribers

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/wanchain

1,369 members

Discord: https://discord.gg/3DpeV6W

ANN: 7,642 members, CHAT: 3,740 members

Telegram Ann: https://t.me/WanchainANN

Telegram Chat: https://t.me/WanchainCHAT

Join our expanding Medium community!

Medium: https://medium.com/wanchain-foundation

8,279 members

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wanchainfoundation/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/wanchain_org

Be the first to follow us on instagram!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wanchain_org


Bitcointalk: Click here for link



Oliver Birch

VP - Global Communications & Growth at Wanchain