Wanchain Technical Update - 1.0

Oliver Birch
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2017


Dear Wanchain Community:

Wanchain’s Beta Testnet is now live and accessible to anyone wanting to test the platform. We encourage everyone to participate and provide feedback / ask questions / report bugs, in our community server on Discord (https://discord.gg/3DpeV6W), under the “#beta_testnet” channel.

Features of the Beta Testnet release are:

  1. Resolved all the issues reported in the Alpha Testnet release.
  2. Added support for the GUI-based Wanchain Wallet for the Mac, Windows and Ubuntu platform and CLI-based Wallet for Windows.
  3. Completed scale testing of the blockchain protocol with nodes running across geographic regions.
  4. Send and Receive transactions using both normal addresses and stealth addresses.

We have instituted a bug-bounty program and will give WAN coins to those who report issues on our community channels. As before, those submitting git pull requests will receive higher weightage.

Please create the bug bounty requests in the following format and email the report to product@wanchain.org

The template will be uploaded to #beta_testnet (Wanchain Community Discord Server)

We will continuously deliver updates to our product as issues get addressed and will announce the updates in our community channels. Please be on the lookout for those announcements.

Happy hacking!

Wanchain Testnet — Instructions Guide

Section 1: Getting Started

We will accomplish the following:

  1. Download and launch the Wanchain Wallet.
  2. Create test accounts.
  3. Secure WANs from our Testnet faucet.
  4. Execute normal transactions from the Wallet.
  5. Execute private transactions from the Wallet.
  6. Explore the transactions in the Wanchain Explorer page.


  1. Install WAN Wallet

a) Click on https://github.com/wanchain/go-wanchain/releases

b) Download the ‘WanWallet’ GUI image for your specific platform.

c) Unzip the app and launch it.

2. Create Test Accounts

a) To perform transactions, you will need to create 2 separate accounts.

b) Click on the (Account) button on the top right of your wallet.

c) Give the account a name, enter a strong password, and your account will be created.

d) You will notice that the Wanchain wallet will have created 2 addresses for each of the accounts.

i) The shorter address is the ‘public’ address and the longer address is the ‘master stealth address’ (MSA).

ii) As the name suggests, the public address is like any other blockchain address and is used for transactions that don’t require address obfuscation.

iii) The MSA on the other hand is used for transactions that need privacy. Wanchain’s wallet uses this master stealth address to generate a new One Time Addresses (OTA) for every transaction and there is nothing in the blockchain that can map the OTAs to the MSA.

e) Create a second account, so that valid transactions can be performed from one account to another.

3. Secure WANs from Wanchain’s Test Faucet:

a) Follow the instructions at: https://github.com/wanchain/go-wanchain/wiki/Getting-WANs-from-Wanchain's-Testnet-Faucet

4. Execute Normal Transactions from the Wallet:

a) Copy the public address of the second account.

b) Select ‘Transfer’ against the first account.

c) Copy the public address of the second account into the ‘To’ field.

d) Enter the desired number of WANs to transfer.

e) Leave fees at the default.

f) Click ‘Send’.

g) Enter the first account’s password when prompted.

h) Wait few moments and the request amount will appear in the balance of the second account.

5. Execute Private Transactions from the Wallet

a) Copy the MSA of the second account.

b) Select ‘Transfer’ against the first account.

c) Select ‘Switch to private’ for the ‘From’ address.

d) Copy the MSA of the second account into the ‘To’ field.

e) Enter the desired number of WANs to transfer.

f) Leave fees at the default.

g) Click ‘Send’.

h) Enter the first account’s password when prompted.

i) Wait few moments, select ‘Detail’ for the second account, click on ‘Get OTAs’ to reconcile the balances.

6. Wanchain Explorer

a) Launch a browser window and point it to explorer.wanchain.org click here

Section 2: Known Issues

Our post-Beta code will reach perfection in time for the Mainnet launch. In the meantime, here are some of the issues we know about and are being worked on by our team.

Known issues (these will not count towards the bug bounty allocation)

Deploying smart contracts

We will introduce a new set of instructions for deploying contracts on Wanchain in one of the forthcoming Technical updates.



Oliver Birch

VP - Global Communications & Growth at Wanchain