Wanchain Update 11th December 2017

Oliver Birch
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2017

Dear Wanchain community,

We would like to give you a short update about the open beta release and Jack Lu’s (Founder & CEO of Wanchain) trip to South Korea this week.

Open Beta Release

Release date: December 18th* 2017

Release includes: Beta instructions guide, privacy and normal transfers, block explorer and wallet.


We will be issuing bounties to community developers who report bugs, suggestions and pull requests (extra weightage).

*In our previous communication we stated the release would be on Friday the 15th of December but after careful consideration have decided to release on the 18th of December. The 18th is a Monday and will allow us to provide the community with support throughout the week.

New Book Launch and the First Financial Technology Development Forum

This was organized by Beijing Blockchain Application Association in Beijing on Dec 9th. Jack Lu attended the forum, Sun Guofeng, the deputy director of Internet Finance Research Center and Institute of Finance of People’s Bank of China also attended.

Jack Lu at the First Financial Technology Development Forum (Beijing, China)

Wanchain visits South Korea

CEO and Founder, Jack Lu, will be presenting Wanchain at a local meet up in South Korea. Please find the details below:

Jack Lu’s presentation at a meet up in Seoul, South Korea:

Date: December 13th (Wed), 2017

Topic: Wanchain links the world’s digital assets

Time: 7:00PM ~ 8:30PM

Location: 강남구 테헤란로 10길 6 녹명빌딩 7층비포럼 접수 이메일

Attendees: 50 people


7:00PM ~ 7:30PM Registration

7:30PM ~ 8:10PM — Wanchain’s Presentation (40 min) by CEO Jack Lu

8:10PM ~ 8:30PM — Q&A and Networking (20 min)

About Wanchain

Bitcoin was the first natively digital asset; many more are following. The trend towards ‘digitizing’ assets leads to a fundamental change in the financial services industry. However, there is a problem. Currently many of these digital assets are isolated on their respective blockchains and their true potential is not being realized. Wanchain was founded by the technical cofounder of Factom, Jack Lu, with the goal of uniting the world’s isolated digital assets and transforming the digital economy.

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Oliver Birch

VP - Global Communications & Growth at Wanchain