Wanchain’s new no rate limit Flux RPC service

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4 min readFeb 2, 2023

On the brink of a technological revolution lies an opportunity to shape the future. By leveraging the power of blockchain interoperability, a truly decentralised network where information flows freely and power is in the hands of the people can be built. However, while it remains a core tenant of blockchain’s ethos, decentralisation is a spectrum and centralised components continue to persist in decentralised networks. One prominent example of this is the blockchain industry’s reliance on centralised RPC services.

Centralised RPC services are not, in-and-of-themselves, bad. Indeed, centralised RPC services have historically been used to ease the onboarding of new users. However, these centralised services are counter to the core principle of decentralisation and tend to limit the collaboration and inclusivity necessary to drive innovation due to their high cost, permissioned nature and rate limits.

As such, it is with great excitement that Wanchain and Flux, the next generation computational network, announce that they are once again joining forces to offer a new decentralised, permissionless, no rate limit public RPC service for all users and developers on Wanchain’s Layer 1 blockchain.

What is an RPC?

A few weeks ago, Flux, a decentralised Web3 cloud infrastructure composed of user-operated, scalable and globally distributed computational nodes, added support for Wanchain RPC nodes, making it possible for anyone to easily and cheaply deploy a decentralised Wanchain RPC node on the Flux Cloud — a second-layer operating system. But what is an RPC?

An RPC, also known as a Remote Procedure Call, is a protocol that allows a computer program to request a service from another program located on another computer. In simpler terms, RPCs are used to ask another computer to do something for you. In decentralised systems like blockchains, RPC services provide developers and end users with an interface through which to interact with the network by querying the states, submitting transactions, retrieving data and more. Just about every decentralised blockchain application — be it a DCA tool like StreamTrade or an NFT marketplace like OpenZoo — relies on RPC services.

Why use Wanchain with Flux?

The present market structure of blockchain RPC services is dominated by a small number of centralised firms like Infura and Alchemy. This constitutes a major point of weakness as these services have a checkered history marked by instability and downtime, negatively impacting both developers and end users. Additionally, the concentration of blockchain RPC services in the hands of a few dominant centralised entities undermines the decentralised nature of blockchain and Web3.

The Wanchain Layer 1 ecosystem, for its part, sports a robust architecture, strong community of developers, and unique cross-chain capabilities. However, smaller development teams have previously needed to deploy their own RPC services if their applications demanded a high volume of API calls as existing centralised RPC services generally enforced rate limits to prevent overuse of the server’s resources. There has been a need for something better.

By deploying a decentralised RPC service on the Flux Cloud, Wanchain is able to offer all ecosystem participants — whether they be users or developers — a more stable and robust alternative to the aforementioned centralised RPC services. Flux Cloud’s unique tech stack also makes it possible to offer this RPC service with no rate limit. This new decentralised, permissionless no rate limit public RPC service is available here: gwan2-ssl.wandevs.org

End users can also use Flux’s RPC endpoint in MetaMask or the wallet of your choice to ensure a stable, reliable AND decentralised Wanchain RPC service.

While the future of blockchain remains bright, it is imperative for all industry participants to come together and fight for a truly decentralised future, where the power dynamics shift towards the many instead of the few. Centralisation undermines the core principles of the blockchain ethos. Decentralised networks demand decentralised solutions. This is not a task just for experts, but for everyone who believes in the power of blockchain to bring about positive change. We are all connected.

About Wanchain

We are all connected — Wanchain, the Wide Area Network chain, is the world’s premier decentralised blockchain interoperability solution. Our mission is to drive blockchain adoption through interoperability by building fully decentralised bridges that connect the world’s many siloed blockchain networks. This cross-chain infrastructure empowers developers to build truly decentralised cross-chain applications to power the future of Web3.

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The world’s premier decentralised blockchain interoperability solution. Wanchain’s cross-chain infrastructure empowers developers to build the future of Web3.