Society Spotlight: Nat

Jana Kleitsch
Wanderlust Society
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2018

[Editor’s Note: We noticed Nat using our site with interesting trip names, like “LIVING!” This obviously caught our eye as it looked like she had some big aspirational goals, with already 248 locations she wants to go, in just one trip. We got to know her a bit more and it turns out she discovered our site via a recommendation from her friend to use our Chrome extension. Welcome Nat! — Editor]


I currently live in Seattle, Washington but I’ve lived all up the west coast and the midwest. I’ve lived pretty nomadically since I came to America in 2008 from Thailand. I guess I don’t really have a hometown.

Nat in front of a mural in Deep Ellum, Texas.

Why do you use Wanderlust Society?

I use Wanderlust Society because I think it is a very efficient and effective way to save and plan trips while browsing the web.

What trips did you take last year where you used WS?

I’ve only recently signed up with WS, but I am using it next weekend to tour around Downtown Seattle with friends.

What’s on your near term bucket list?

Something on my bucket list is to go back to my home country in Europe. The biggest trip that I’ve saved on Wanderlust Society is my “2022 and Beyond” list which is where I save all the places I plan to go when I move back to my home country of the Netherlands. My goal is to visit every country in Europe and I think Wanderlust Society really helps me plan and save all the places I’ll go.

taking a ferry from Anacortes to Friday Harbor.

What’s your favorite piece of luggage?

I usually only use a carry on suitcase and/or a backpack when traveling, I have one Swiss Army suitcase and it seems to be holding up well, I like that it’s light and durable so it’s not a hassle to bring around with me.

What type of traveler are you?

When I travel I like to immerse myself in the culture of the country and learn the language, customs and history. I like being able to learn something about the country so I enjoy going to museums and old landmarks.

Where do you find your inspiration for where to travel?

I find travel inspiration on a lot of the “Solo Women Travel” or “Girls Love Travel” groups on Facebook as well as looking at other profiles on WS to find more things to add onto my list. A lot of the things that have been recommended to me via WS has been put into my lists. I also like looking at Pinterest photorgraphy and travel vloggers on Youtube.

Smokey view of Crater Lake

Best travel tip?

Always take up any chance to travel, because if you don’t, you’ll regret it in the long run. Also, travel by yourself at least once, it teaches people so much about being independent, you can go anywhere you want at any time and you’ll make so many new traveling friends.

One of the 12 copies of “The Thinker” on display at the LoH Museum



Jana Kleitsch
Wanderlust Society

Jana Kleitsch. Wanderlust Society co-founder. Co-founder of Wedding Channel. Ex-Amazon. Design. Photog. Up for adventure.