10 Reasons I Travel

Wanderlust Women
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2022
Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

1. To Take Stock of My Life

I am a firm believer that it’s easy to examine one’s life when you’re not so entrenched in it. Getting away, physically, makes this possible.

2. To Try New Things

This can range from trying activities (like the ping pong bar I visited in Berlin) to foods (sardines in Portugal). I love getting outside of my comfort zone and doing new things while traveling is a great way to do this.

3. To Meet New People

The highlight of my 3 days in Barcelona was watching the opening F1 race with a group of guys from Manchester. We bonded over our dislike of Red Bull and enjoyed getting to know one another!

4. To Question What I Know

This is a cousin to my first point. When taking my stock of my life, while traveling, I am also questioning what I know to be true — my beliefs, values, dreams, et cetera.

5. To Appreciate the Little Things

This includes little things while traveling, such as a good cup of coffee and a break from work, but also includes the little things in my life when not traveling: my comfortable bed, morning smoothie, workout routine.

6. To Feel Alive

Travel is like caffeine for the soul, I think. Perks me up and ignites all of my senses. Reminds me that our time isn’t guaranteed and that being alive is as good as it gets.

7. To Learn More About Myself

A cousin to my second point. Do I like ping pong bars? Sardines? Do I enjoy hostel-style traveling, backpacking, glamping, car camping? How do I perform in stressful travel situations? How do I feel about traveling alone for a month?

8. To Feel Small

Traveling reminds me that I am not alone. It reminds me that I’m a little speck in the universe, and the world is so big. I especially feel this on nature-focused trips, when I see a breathtaking mountain range or find myself lost amongst scenery that looks like it belongs in a movie.

9. To Connect with Those I Love

One of my favorite trips was with my brother. We spent a week in Denmark, and even though it was bitterly cold in early March, we walked everywhere. On those walks, we talked and talked — something I’m grateful for, given that we don’t live in the same city.

10. To Have Fun

On my recent trip to Los Angeles, fun was the name of the game. I drank too much, slept too little, ate new foods, met new people, and had a blast the entire time. I had been in a little rut beforehand, and focusing on having fun was like hitting the ‘reset’ button.



Wanderlust Women

adventuresofhilly.com & @adventuresofhilly on tiktok — life enthusiast with a penchant for travel, a good book, and a new adventure.