I Prayed for you, My love

Precious C.K.
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2017

By Anita Muhangi

I prayed for you, my love
As I held you close and felt your soft breath on my cheek,
Your little dainty feet pressed on my bosom.

I Prayed that you would be whole and healthy,
That the world would receive you with gentility,
That the aura of peace would engulf you the way I did.

I Prayed that when you were out of my sight,
Your step would be cushioned,
When you played,
Your limbs wouldn’t falter.
That when you laughed, you drew it from your heart’s depth.
That when you cried, it didn’t last a while.

I Prayed,
That you found favor with your peers and teachers,
That the learning curve didn’t throw harsh lessons,
That you enjoyed your childhood enough to reminisce over it,
That you felt loved and hence sowed love to all you encountered
And that it was given back in equal measures.

I pray unceasingly,
That you don’t get your heart broken and that if you do,
It doesn’t leave dark, deeply entrenched, irreparable scars.
I continue to Pray for you, my love,
That you grow and reach heights beyond the stars,
That you will choose your friends, jobs and opportunities
And you soul mate with grace and wisdom,
And that you would see the world and
Taste the finest things yet remain humble.

I Pray that you may live and have children to pray for,
Just like I pray for you today, my child,
And just like I prayed for you yesterday,
And I will pray for you tomorrow
Because that is the only way I know.



Precious C.K.

A writer currently doing writerly things, and other wildly exciting things, in Kampala. Social media handle — @iampreciousck