Farming Pools Updates

Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2021

Updates on the WanSwap farming pools

We are witnessing a crypto space that is evolving at an incredible speed, standing still is going backwards. At Wanswap, we make decisions from an important point of view: how can we grow the project in a healthy way? To provide clear answers to this, we have decided to make some important changes to our farming pools. We want to evolve towards a DEX that consists only of quality farming pairs, with attractive APYs. To achieve this, three things need to happen: remove farming pairs with a low TVL, increase the rewards of pairs with a high TVL, and finally, add new, quality farming pairs.

Removing farming pools

  • Remove wanEOS/WAN pair (TVL 190,000 USD)
  • Remove wanLINK/WASP pair (TVL 167,000 USD)
  • Remove wanUNI/WASP pair (TVL 99,000 USD)
  • Remove wanSUSHIi/WASP pair (TVL 81,000 USD)
  • Remove wanMKR/WASP (TVL 298,000 USD)

Time of execution: April 30th 0800 UTC

Adjusting farming rewards

  • wanBTC/wanETH to x0.5 (TVL 790,000 USD and currently x1,5 rewards)
  • wanXRP/WAN to x7 (TVL 6,684,000 USD and currently x5 rewards)

Time of execution: April 30th 0800 UTC

Adding a new farming pool

A new farming pool will be announced tomorrow, stay tuned!



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