Introducing Wantedly Engineering Blog

Yoshinori Kawasaki
Wantedly Engineering
2 min readApr 17, 2019
Poster series of Wantedly Values (Sep, 2018)

Welcome to the Wantedly Engineering Blog!

Hi there! Here at Wantedly, we build software to “create a world where work drives passion,” by helping people uncover jobs they are passionate about, visit future teammates who share the same values, and meet an exciting company they’ll love working for.

Since the launch in 2012, we’ve rapidly grown in Japan as well as expanded in the global market, while we’ve been tackling and enjoying a variety of technical challenges. Area of those challenges includes (but is not limited to) user experience design, product growth, machine learning, recommendation systems, mobile apps, web frontend, backend architecture, infrastructure, site reliability, and developer productivity.

In this blog, we’ll share some of the challenges that we’ve faced while growing our service, and talk about stories of our engineering and design culture with the broader community. Since we’ve been learning a lot from the community, we hope we can contribute back to it with our blog posts.

While doing so, I hope you’ll know more about how our engineering & design team is like, and how we are passionate about what we do.

Stay tuned!

