(Photo by Ross Findon)

Change Your Thinking, Improve Your Life

Robin Zander
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018


The world feels out of control — to me and to many of us. As much as we’d like to control what goes on around us — the people, the events of the world — we quite literally can’t. As Dana Caspersen once told me: “Not only can’t you control people, but it is none of your damn business.”

What we do have control of is our feelings, actions, and thoughts. It can feel like we don’t have control — especially of our feelings — but if we want to, we can.

We know we can change our actions. We’ve all done it. But how do you change your thinking? And yet, you have changed some — you used to believe things that you no longer believe in. Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

With focus and thoughtfulness, changing your thinking can actually become much easier.

The first step is to recognize, in a specific example, what you are thinking. Identify one thought — in that moment and about a specific instance.

Then, ask yourself “why”. “Why am I thinking this thought, right now?” Asking yourself a question, about what is going on in the moment, is the first step towards understanding yourself, and creating rapid change.

When we ask ourselves a question, the more loving the better, we give ourselves the opportunity to understand and to change.

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Robin Zander
Editor for

Bodynerd polymath entrepreneur. Founder & Director, Responsive Conference. Frequently upside down. #FutureofWork #ZanderStrong