Creating something beautiful is a process. (Photo: David Straight)

Using Wantoo to Make Smart Product Decisions

Wantoo Team
Wantoo Platform
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2016


NOTE: Feedback is now being collected for Q1 2017 Wantoo Roadmap. Tell us what you want today!

Wantoo is all about surfacing great ideas and turning them into reality. So it made sense to ask our users to tell us how they want to use Wantoo by setting up an Idea Board. As it turns out, such an easy-to-use tool is also highly versatile.

So far, the top idea for brands is to get feedback from users to make smart product decisions. Sounds simple enough, but this requires some discipline, strategy, and — perhaps most important of all — empathy.

There are many ways to listen to your customers, from scouring Twitter for people who are talking about your brand, to sorting through direct feedback. With Wantoo, our users have established a noise-free place to gather suggestions from real-world product experts, otherwise known as “customers”.

Once ideas are gathered, the product team needs a clutter-free way to rank the best ideas, drill down for more detail if need be, and then funnel the most actionable ideas into their existing workflow.

We ourselves do this, and how has it been working out? Pretty well, actually. We’ve taken some great suggestions on board and turned our product and dev teams loose.

Now there’s a long and growing list of ideas that are now reality for our valued customers.

Some of the many ideas Wantoo has acted upon.

This is just one of many ways to use Wantoo. Keep an eye on our blog to learn more, and catch up with us on Twitter and Facebook. Pick up some more pro tips on getting the most out of our innovation management tools, and find out how to harness customer experience to build better products.

About Wantoo

Wantoo is a simple, powerful cloud-based platform that makes it easy to listen, analyze, and act on feedback from your team, your customers, or anyone else. For more information, visit

