8 Ways to Help Your Student Succeed!

Attendance Awareness Month is September! Here are a few ways to support your student in attendance success:

Did you know missing just 2 days per month can lower your chances of graduating?

Did you know that a student faces a much higher risk of falling behind academically and not graduating from high school if they miss 10% of their school days? Even if the absences are excused. The research demonstrates these long-term impacts, even for preschoolers and kindergarteners. This research is a driving force in the recent national and state-level attention to chronic absence.

OSPI, along with many local school districts, is participating in September’s Attendance Awareness Month; providing posters and other materials, social media messaging, partnering with other state agencies, such as DSHS, as well as the Seattle Sounders and Seahawks. Through awareness and education efforts, we seek to support Washington students to attend school in order to access the critical instruction and learning opportunities our schools provide.

As parents, we have a critical role in our child’s ability to succeed in school. We all want what’s best for our kids; and regular attendance at school is an essential component!

Here’s 8 things you can do to help your child attend:

  1. Track your child’s absences, excused or unexcused, half days, early arrivals, etc. on the refrigerator. Absences add up quickly and it’s easy to lose track with our busy lives.
  2. Know when school starts and make sure your child has the required immunizations.
  3. Help your child get ready for school the night before by helping or having them set out their clothes, pack their back pack, and get to bed on time. These habits will set them up for success to be on time. (Do you struggle with being on time yourself? You’re not alone. Try these tips from a chronically late parent.)
  4. Do what you can to keep your student’s absences for the entire school year to fewer than 10 days. Some absences may be out of your control, like illness, or family emergency; therefore limiting the optional days out is even more important. Try to avoid extended trips when your school is in session.
  5. Stay in contact with your student’s teachers and school if they do have to miss class. Help your child make sure they are notifying teachers, and arranging for homework in advance, if possible, to help with their chances of keeping up with the class.
  6. Schedule medical and dental appointments outside of school hours; or at the very beginning or end of the day.
  7. Ask school staff for assistance, problem-solving, or support, if you notice your child is struggling to get to school, showing signs of struggle academically or socially in school, or if you are in need of additional support to get your child to school.
  8. Encourage your school or district to participate in September Attendance Awareness Month; direct them to the OSPI Attendance Communications webpage to order free materials and find more resources.

For more information on OSPI’s Attendance efforts, please visit our website or contact Krissy Johnson at krissy.johnson@k12.wa.us.

Upcoming webinar: Absence Rules

Register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_exPm-eOoQCm2dWvDOVfByg



The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Led by Supt. Chris Reykdal, OSPI is the primary agency charged with overseeing K–12 education in Washington state.