Tu-160. Wikimedia Commons photo

Russia’s Epic Nuke Bomber Mission—Around the World, Along U.S. Coast

Blackjack bombers skirted America en route to Venezuela

War Is Boring
War Is Boring
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2013


Two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers—Moscow’s most flexible weapons for nuclear war—left Russia on Oct. 28, flew 10,000 miles around the world and landed in Venezuela after 13 hours, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

Talking to RIA Novosti news agency, a ministry spokesperson said that the two swing-wing supersonic bombers flew over eastern Pacific Ocean along the southwest coast of North America, and then over the Caribbean before touching down at the airport in Maiquetía Caracas.

Interestingly, the long-range training mission—similar to America’s own epic bomber flights—was supported by two Tu- 95 Bear bombers that served as radio relays, receiving and retransmitting the Blackjacks’ communications in remote areas along the route.

In conducting the around-the-world practice flight, Moscow was mindful of American sensitivities. “All flights of Russian air force planes are carried out in strict accordance with international standards for the use of airspace,” the Russian spokesperson said.

This was not the first time two Tu-160s visited Venezuela. A similar deployment took place in September 2008.


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