For Sale Soon, an Anti-Drone Bazooka

The SkyWall 100 fires a robot-trapping net

War Is Boring
War Is Boring



Drones got you down? British company is offering a new way to ensnare and bring down robotics planes operating illegally in your airspace — the SkyWall 100, a net-firing bazooka.

“The proliferation of cheap and easy to fly drones has triggered a rise in the number of incidents where the safety and security of individuals and facilities has been compromised,” OpenWorks Engineering explains. “They have infiltrated the security of heads of state, delivered contraband into prisons and photographed private film sets and celebrity’s property.”

“The SkyWall concept is simple,” the U.K. company continues. “Physically deliver a counter-measure up to the target. Capture a drone in a net and land it safely with a parachute.”

Check out the SkyWall in action in War Is Boring’s video, above.

