Trump on the campaign trail in 2016. Max Goldberg photo

Trump Hates His Spies

Podcast — a historian of the CIA tells us exactly why that’s bad

Matthew Gault
War Is Boring
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2017



Even before he took office, Donald Trump was denigrating the U.S. intelligence community — in large part because of its investigation into Russian influence on the presidential election, which challenged the integrity of his victory.

That relationship has continued to sour, through Trump’s controversial speech at CIA headquarters and his attack on leaks that helped lead to National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation.

As president, Trump’s relationship with the intelligence community hasn’t improved. His supporters believe there is a “Deep State” operating within the intelligence community, which is trying to undermine the administration.

What happens when a president doesn’t trust his intelligence agencies, or they don’t trust him? How does this kind of fractured relationship affect intelligence gathering — and the military operations that come from it — overseas?

This week on War College, national security expert Tim Weiner — author of Legacy of Ashes, his award-winning history of the CIA — examines Trump’s complicated relationship with the U.S. intelligence community. He explores the president’s power over his agencies — not just to pick a CIA director, but to sign orders for operations overseas. And he offers historical context for what can happen when things go horribly wrong.



Matthew Gault
War Is Boring

Contributing editor at Vice Motherboard. Co-host and producer of the War College podcast. Maker of low budget horror flicks. Email my twitter handle at gmail.