A touch to our history — to understand

March 17, 2022, Igor Nagorny (March 9) — The French Guards rebuked Sirko that they were fighting for honor and glory, and the Cossacks — for money. The answer came instantly — everyone is fighting for what he lacks.

Olegh Bondarenko
War notes
3 min readMar 17, 2022


Ivan Sirko . Picture: Natalia Pavlusenko

What do you think Sirko did in France, waiting for payment from Mazarini? That’s what you think? Drunk? Roistered? And here I was shocked by the discovery. Ivan Sirko lectured at the Sorbonne in Latin on the history of Poland and Rus-Ukraine.

Lectures!! Latin!! At the Sorbonne!! Tought French students.

Sirko Ivan Dmytrovich (1610–1680). The most famous Kosh Сhieftain (Otaman — in Ukrainian) of the Zaporizhzhya Sich comes from the town of Merefa in the modern Kharkiv region (according to another version — from Podillya), the national hero of France, who did not lose any of the 244 battles in which Kosh Otaman Ivan Sirko — a unique outstanding personality. The talented military leader cracked impregnable fortresses like peeling nuts. He was elected the Kosh Ataman by Cossacks (and the Cossacks, just like us, it is difficult to please) 12 times! The first political prisoner (who was imprisoned in Siberia), whom the Russian tsar returned from Siberia to Sich at the request of European countries. The Turkish sultan was so afraid of Sirko and his campaigns that he issued a decree in all mosques to pray for the death of a Ukrainian… Sirko with the Ukrainian Cossack army helped end the 30-year war in Europe. For 5 years the French could not regain the fortress of Dunkirk. They hired Sirko with the Cossacks for a high fee, with the condition of Sirko that the French will not interfere. For two days the Cossacks walked around the fortress, explored the area and developed a plan. On the third day, the Cossacks took the fortress in a few hours without a single shot and returned it to the French. The musketeers shouted “vivat” to the Cossacks and threw their hats. Sirko settled in Paris and said he would not go anywhere until he was paid for his work.

The French Guards rebuked Sirko for they fight for honor and glory, and the Cossacks — for money. The answer came instantly — everyone is fighting for what he lacks.

132 years after Sirko’s death, his relics were used by Field Marshal Kutuzov before the Battle of Borodino in 1812 to inspire the Russian army, and in 1966 French President General Charles de Gaulle laid flowers at a monument to the great Ukrainian Cossack in Kyiv helped the French to do what the “four musketeers of the king” in Alexandre Dumas’s novel could not do.

  • German sources called him the “Circus”;
  • Moscovites — “Serko”;
  • French — “Siro”;
  • Turks and Tatars — “Urusshaitan” (“Rus devil” — this is another confirmation of who is really from Rus), and Turkish mothers scared their children in his name;

In fact, Sirko is a Cossack pseudonym meaning “wolf”.

So, let’s study our history! Ous!!!


Ukrainian version



Olegh Bondarenko
War notes

Researcher, DSc, expert in Radiation Protection, Ecology, Air Quality Monitoring, Project Management, Data Science and other — orcid.org/0000-0001-8214-4654