Sermon on the Mount about Ukraine

Centuries-long efforts to assimilate and dissolve the self-identification of Ukrainians turned out to be futile. Each time, the Ukrainians were revived from nowhere. Now, this resistance of Ukrainians to the enemy’s audacious and arrogant attempt to “finally resolve the Ukrainian question” has reached its historical apogee.

Olegh Bondarenko
War notes
5 min readNov 2, 2022


The war entered a long phase. This is already a war of economies for endurance: the joint economies of democratic countries against the joint economies of totalitarian regimes. But the war on the battlefield and the war of economies is only a physical manifestation of the struggle of irreconcilable values and ideas.

This ideological difference is clearly visible in the recognizable archetypes of russians and Ukrainians. Drew Boyd reveals this difference extremely apt in his post [1]:

These stereotypes are embodied in two huge cult paintings by the great Ukrainian artist Illya Repin. He depicts the Russians as wretched serfs pulling a barge up Volga river, while the Ukrainians are boisterous Cossack freeloaders crowding around the table, writing their wonderfully obscene letter to the Sultan in Constantinople.

Russians in chains. Ukrainians say to the person who claims to lead them, go to hell. Sound familiar?

“Burlaks on Volga”. Painting by Illya Repin. Wikipedia
“Zaporozhians write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”. Painting by Illya Repin. Wikipedia

As a result of this irreconcilability, another spasm of unrestrained expansion of Moscow imperialism once again led to incredible human, economic, political, and social losses. Muscovite rulers are not limited by the loss of their troops, economic decline, and political failures due to the slavish obedience of their population that has been cultivated over the centuries. Conversely, Ukraine demonstrates its dignity and caring attitude towards its citizens. In historical retrospect, the struggle for own freedom in Ukraine has always acquired a sacred meaning.

“The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ”. Painting by Karl Bloch. Wikipedia

In this context of the sacred attitude of Ukrainians to fighters and the struggle for freedom and dignity, the famous Ukrainian blogger Mykhailo Sheitelman put modern meaning into the postulates of Jesus Christ from his Sermon on the Mount [2]. It sounds something like this:

  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
    This is about the people of Ukraine, who have given up material goods, are without electricity and heat, many are without housing, but have not abandoned their desire to live in a free country. The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to this nation.
  2. Blessed are who mourn, for they will be comforted.
    This is about many Ukrainians who lost relatives and friends in this war, and they will be comforted.
  3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inerit the land.
    It is about the warriors of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are the most humble of all. We do not hear complaints and claims from them. They are under constant deadly danger. More than 10,000 of our warriors have been already killed (according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). They are the most meek, they protect our land, and they will inherit it.
  4. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
    It is about the people of Ukraine, who are looking for true information, without turning away from the dangers, about our victories, about our losses, about the horrors of war, about moments of joy. The people of Ukraine demand the truth from the authorities, from the media, and this distinguishes us from our enemies. That is why the people of Ukraine be satisfied, as Christ says. And this will be the taste of victory.
  5. Blessed are the merciful, for the will be shown merci.
    It is about those who capture russian soldiers, feed them, give them water, heal them, treat them mercifully. This is about those who shoot at military objects of the russian army in the occupied territories, but do not aim at civilian objects. This is Ukrainian mercy. This is advantage of Ukrainians. They follow the rules of war. They are merciful and deserve mercy, according to this commandment of Christ.
  6. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
    This is about the children of Ukraine. More than 400 children have already been killed. About 300,000 children were kidnapped and taken to russia. They are the ones whose hearts are clean. Ukrainians will definitely bring them back from captivity.
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
    It is about Ukrainians who want to destroy this empire of war so that peace can come to our continent. Ukrainians are real peacemakers, and Christ seems to have understood what real peacemaking is. Ukrainians want the muscovites to get out of Ukraine, pay all the reparations, and then peace will reign on our continent.

Everything in this world has its price. Partners and friends of Ukraine pay their price, putting in a lot of effort, helping materially and financially. But Ukrainians pay the highest price with the lives of their warriors. This is a conscious choice of the nation, Ukrainians believe in their victory, truth and justice are on the side of democratic countries, the Russian regime has no historical prospects, and the price russia will pay for its crimes will be incompatible with its existence..

Слава Україні! Героям слава!


  1. Repost of Drew Boyd’s post in Ukrainian — October 30, 2022 — Facebook
  2. From the holy land about the holy war. Sermon on the Mount about Ukraine. Sheitelman in a week. ISSUE 11 — October 28, 2022 — YouTube

Ukrainian version



Olegh Bondarenko
War notes

Researcher, DSc, expert in Radiation Protection, Ecology, Air Quality Monitoring, Project Management, Data Science and other —