The Inhumanity of Ancient and Medieval Warfare Cannot Be Understated

People like the sword fights but rarely think about the aftermath

Grant Piper
War Stories


Battle of Zama (Public domain)

Ancient warfare is romanticized in modern culture with large cinematic battles that rage on our televisions and popular novels that take place in Medieval times. The sword and longbow are venerated, chain mail and plate armor are coveted, and the actuality of ancient warfare is left far behind in the rearview mirror. Ancient warfare was terrible. It was brutal. It was largely inhumane.

To appreciate the battles from history that took place before the gunpowder age, you have to appreciate how awful these fights were. All war is hell, but ancient war was particularly hellish.

A multitude of sharp objects

(Public domain)

The preferred method to kill large numbers of people in ancient times was the use of sharp objects. Swords, knives, javelins, arrows, spears, and pikes were all extremely popular and lethal. Anyone who has cut themselves on a knife or, heaven forbid, have been stabbed knows that coming in contact with sharp objects is extremely unpleasant. Now imagine hundreds or…



Grant Piper
War Stories

Professional writer. Amateur historian. Husband, father, Christian.