WardenSwap 2.0 is ready!

Alchemist Warden
WARDEN Official
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2022

WardenSwap 2.0 has launched and of course, the Best Rate AI Swap Engine and the upcoming features will be continuously developed. So, we can ensure that our product will go beyond the high-quality standard and meet users’ highest satisfaction. There are 2 main sections that will be discussed in this article:

1. WardenSwap 2.0 — Best Rate, Best Gas Optimization

  • Gas fee Optimization
  • Best Rate with Multi-Routes Split Trading

2. More than just Best Rate AI Swap.

  • SDK V2

WardenSwap 2.0— Best Rate Optimization

Gas fee Optimization

One of the most discussed topics is how the gas fee impacts the user’s trading. It is quite a challenging mission as this is one of the challenges that blockchain developers are trying to solve.

And we could proudly say that our WardenSwap 2.0 Gas Fee Optimization could help our users save their costs on their trading insignificant amount especially in a big trading volume.

The Gas fees are included in Best Rate calculation process. So, the users will not have to bear a high cost on trading as this optimization can save up to 20- 45% on gas fees.

No more worry about the rate and ‘hidden’ gas fee on trading.

Best Rate with Multi-Routes Split Trading

The multi-routes split trading feature operates on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It will split the trading as much as possible and find the best trading paths across the pools available in the market. The engine will find the most efficient paths and split the routes between different protocols for a token swap.

As this upgrade takes gas fees into consideration along with finding Best Rate, the users are able to save up to 20–45% on gas fees together with a better rate.

Split your trade and get ‘the best’ for you.

Performance Comparison: 1.5 vs 2.0

‘Best Rate’ is not the only factor that users have to take into consideration. As hidden costs like Gas fees and route splitting can affect the performance of the trading. WardenSwap 2.0 takes these factors into consideration and delivery the Best Swapping Outcome to users.

Example of the swap performance between 1.5 vs 2.0

The swap tradings are stimulated from tenderly.co

Swap in a small amount from BNB to ETH
Swap in a big amount from BNB to ETH

As shown in the picture that the result from WardenSwap 2.0 will give the users the Best Swapping Outcome considering both the Rate and Gas fees Used.

Just like when you guys do online shopping there is not just the cost of the product (the rate) but the delivery fee (Gas fees) that you have to consider before placing an order.

So, WardenSwap 2.0 finds you the best price of the product and considers the cheapest delivery fee for you so that you don't have to pay less for the rate but have to bear an enormous amount of delivery fee.

Trading is not just about the Best Rate but overall performance on Swapping Outcome.

More than just Best Rate AI Swap.

WardenSwap 2.0 doesn’t have only the improvement of Best Rate AI Swap but Public SDK V2 which will help boost WardenSwap’s ecosystem and business growth.

What is WardenSwap SDK V2?

Software Development Kit (SDK) is a software tool that anyone, not just a developer can use the software for boosting the performance of the protocol or for personal purposes.

WardenSwap’s SDK is a ‘swap engine’ that find the best price across all pools, and split trading amounts across multiple routes in a single transaction to make the trade an even better price. With this intelligence engine, the protocols will receive a much better price for the exchange and swap feature.

Our SDK allows the users to effortlessly link their services and add functionality to their platforms. SDK is typically an all-in-one product that is ready to be used and helps develop the product faster and easier.

With the SDK given by WardenSwap developer team. The protocol can use our SDK to integrate with their platform easily or personal bots easier than ever.

Why WardenSwap SDK?

  • We provide liquidity pools from about 50+ DEXs
  • Find the most suitable paths for Best Price Swap with multi-routes split trading feature to get Bast Rate ever for the platform.
  • Fast data responsive on price query
  • Anyone with programming knowledge can use our SDK for their personal usage on trading such as bot trade or arbitrage.

So, any platforms that need swap support, Wallets, or dApps can incorporate WardenSwp SDK with only a few steps: Contact us to be our SDK Partner.

Let the technology of intelligence enhance our growth. let’s go fast and go beyond.

Final Words

Over the past ~9 months, there were so many changes that occurred and we did achieve so many things together along the way. The only thing that hasn’t changed at all is the support from our community. All WARDENers are more than just a user but a family-like community to us. We appreciate hearing how we can improve and better support you in the future.

We hope to build trust, and friendships through honesty and integrity to ensure healthy long-term alliances.

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Warden aims to generate wealth for all holders and serve as an intermediary in a new financial system.

