WardenSwap Network Expansion to Polygon!

Underlord Warden
WARDEN Official
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2021
WardenSwap v1.5 POLYGON MODE

Hola, WARDENers 👋

Since day one, WardenSwap has been growing unstoppably with higher-than-expected total trading volume. Thank you to the entire WARDENers community for trusting in our missions: to be the universal best-price on-chain DEX aggregator, delivering only the best for all users, and to ensure the prosperity of all Warden Token stakeholders.👽

Recently, WardenSwap has been connected to $2,523 million of liquidity.

QuickSwap ($955 million of liquidity)

SushiSwap ($680 million of liquidity)

Curve ($486 million of liquidity)

Wault ($402 million of liquidity)

Moreover, we have expanded to Polygon (MATIC) Network, one of the fastest-growing Layer 2 solutions out there!💪

MATIC has been growing quickly as the alternative of choice at this time for DeFi users and developers who continue to improve a range of unique products on the MATIC network, and WardenSwap eagerly expands the growth to this new opportunity.

WARDENers will, in other words, have access to Polygon (MATIC) network and be able to switch between Binance Smart Chain and Polygon (MATIC) easily. Besides, the total WAD supply will not increase; thereby, all WAD holders will profit from the increased trading volume as well as the increased number of users.

More growth prospects, such as pools on a new network, will be implemented later if they would help our community succeed.

“Our goal is to improve the financial ecosystem for everyone. The better the protocol, the higher everyone’s standard of living will be. Starting with this initial bold step of expanding to Polygon (MATIC), the WARDEN team sees a significant potential to become the universal best DEX aggregator protocol on the market. We will eventually expand to the Ethereum Network.” says WardenSwap developing team.

Finally, we at WardenSwap are constantly working to improve our position as the best DEX aggregator. All WARDENers will be a part of our community in the future, and we will land on Saturn together! 🚀🪐

That’s only another step on our journey to Saturn. Stay tuned!

Happy trading! 🙂 https://polygon.wardenswap.finance/

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