WardenSwap, the best price search engine 💖

WARDEN Official
WARDEN Official
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2021

We have seen the growth of decentralized finance (DeFi). The growth of DeFi brings new decentralized exchanges (DEXs) every day, especially on the Binance Smart Chain network. This early stage of DeFi is similar to the dot-com boom in the late 1990s when Google was born to Earth.

The emergence of Google allows us to search for anything magically. This is what Google and WardenSwap are in common. That is, WardenSwap was designed and intentionally created to be the best search engine for DeFi. Users can find the best price in the market by using the WardenSwap. We provide the best price as a one-stop service.

Imagine you have the USDT tokens, and you want to exchange them for BTCB. However, the exchange rate between the BUSD/BTCB tokens is by far better. You will get the larger BTCB if you first exchange your USDT for BUSD and then swap the obtained BUSD to your desired BTCB tokens.

You can do this on your own, but how can you find the best in-between token pairs and the best routes to a ton of pools all over the market in seconds? Even if you can find the best pairs and routes, how can you swap all the pairs and routes in a single transaction? This is impossible for end-users or even typical DEXs.

This is what WardenSwap comes to cope with. WardenSwap not only finds the real-time best price for you but also swaps your source tokens to your desired tokens instantly. 💪

Besides, imagine you want to exchange 1 million BUSD for BNB tokens; you might face an enormous price impact on typical DEXs. WardenSwap supports a split-routing swap, which will divide your source tokens into multiple routes and swap them on different pools across all aggregated DEXs simultaneously. This strategy not only reduces your price impact but also maximizes your desired tokens.

WardenSwap serves the best strategy and automatically deals with all highly sophisticated tasks for you. You only have to press the ‘swap’ button on wardenswap.finance

In conclusion, WardenSwap is not just another typical DEX. We have Alien technology 👽 to find the best trading strategy for you. With our one-stop service, you can save your time and make the most profits within a few clicks.

Happy trading! 🙂

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