Weekly update Q3/09

Alchemist Warden
WARDEN Official
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2021

We want to go far and go together with our community.

WAD token rewards on BSC have ended.

On September 11th, 2021, the WAD token rewards on BSC came to an end! Congratulations to those WARDENers who have received their prized tokens.

Hold your tokens tight and prepare for our next journey together.

If you’re curious about the next steps in the LP process, see this article: here

Update from our developer regarding Arbitrum’s gas fee optimization

“We’ve successfully optimized L2 Storage Used by ~8x which reduce slots from 17 to 2 slots. It’s done by doing restructure contracts for L2 and doing a low-level bitwise operation on data.

And one of the biggest gas on L2 is ‘call data which will be rolled up to L1. Consequently, we’ve just done our custom on compression algorithm to reduce gas fees by ~7x. This is a truly powerful improvement on saving gas fees,”

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Connecting to Balancer, Uniswap, Sushiswap, and DODO.

See you there @arbitrum

WardenSwap’s Twitter has reached 16,000 followers

Celebrating 𝟏𝟔,𝟎𝟎𝟎 Twitter followers.

WardenSwap officials would want to express their gratitude to all Binance Smart Chain and MVBlll project supporters that assisted us in bringing Best Rate Swap to the public.

We are doing our best (rate). 👉 wardenswap.finance

Announcement of Binance Most Valuable Builder III, Monthly Star winners of August.

There will be an announcement of MVBIII on Monday, September 13th. Let’s start the countdown to our special moment together. 🥳

Stay tuned.

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