Community Gaming: Players’ Lounge

Ward Esports


Players’ Lounge is a video game social startup founded on October 2014 by Zach Dixon and Austin Woolridge. It started as a simple social video game sports league meetup. Today, it has expanded into a premier social eSports league, focusing on FIFA tournaments. Their roots started in Alligator Lounge in Brooklyn, NY where they held their very first tournament.

On December 2, 2015 they hosted a tournament at their stomping ground. We found pumped up community gamers playing, watching and eagerly waiting for their turn. Players’ Lounge structures their prized competitions with The League, a 20-player FIFA league table, in a series of six weeks.

They host various event around Manhattan and Brooklyn in places like Upper 90 Soccer Store. If you fancy yourself as a competitive FIFA player, visit the Players’ Lounge website.

Photo Dec 02, 9 48 19 PM

