Benefits of Anger

Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Yes, you probable read right. There are benefits of anger other then red face, wants to pluck your own face or from punching things to use of verbal abusive language.

There are always two sides of a coin:

  1. Positive
  2. Negative

Firstly, we will start from the realisation of Negativity and the factors which we mostlty observe after or during the anger.

1. Negativity:

At what scale we can declare that, this is negative and that scale is relate to when we observe negativity during or after the anger.

So, now comes to the factors:

  • Hyperpalpitations
  • High blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Loss of reality(lack of realisation)
  • Shivering
  • Uneasness

In some cases if a person’s anger is silent one and instead of calmness that person is feeling anxiety, depressed or stressed there are chances of panic attack or in worst case “Cardiac Arest”.

Now here comes the opposite image of this:

2. Positivity:

As you know humanbeing is a masterpiece, god created us very neatly, we are capable of getting out of almost every situation.

We adapt situations very easily for example; physical, meteorlogical or even emotional.

  • Physically: if you caught in a accident in some outskirts i know you will get adjusted by using items from surrounding.
  • Meteorlogically: if you are feeling cold, you will definitly ignite some fire.

Same as other two factors you can also adapt emotions in positive manner.

Anger can have several benefits when managed and shown in a graceful way:

1. Motivation for Change: it can lead to identify issues, seek some warm therapeutic hug, and make positive changes in their lives or society.

2. Boundary: Anger signals that your boundaries are getting crossed, yoi need to address it and rectify the situation.

3. Enhanced Communication: Constructive anger can lead you to open, honest communication, bringing underlying issues to the surface for resolution.

4. Stress Burst: Bursting your anger can be cathartic, reducing stress and preventing it from manifesting in unhealthy ways.

5. Self-Awareness: Analyze your anger. It can lead to self-awareness and emotional support.

6. Defensive Mechanism: it can serve as a defense, providing energy and assertiveness to protect yourself or others from harm.

7. Negotiation Power: Controlled anger can signal seriousness and determination in negotiation, potentially lead to better deal.


While these benefits are significant, it’s important to manage anger constructively to avoid negative consequences such as aggression, health problems, or damaged relationships.

Thank you for reading till here!

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Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table

Novice Writer | Available for work | varsatile in niches like Agriculture&Food, thoughts, travelling & short stories. | Contact: