Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table
Published in
May 25, 2024
Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

How do I waste time by not knowing how and what to write?

So, as per the title, I just do not know how or what to write. Most of the time, I get thoughts of writing something amazing, but as soon as I just plan to write, my subconscious mind and my brain send some signals, and voila!

Photo by Pedro Forester Da Silva on Unsplash

Procrastination: now, except for writing or doing something useful, I pretend to do something important, and then slowly, from a notification to Instagram reels, then some shorts, then some tech or comedy videos, and finally, the last finishing touch will be NETFLIX.

So, ladies and gentlemen, that’s how I waste my time. After one to two days of preparation to write now, I am writing at 11:30 p.m. So, I hope I just won’t stop today. InshAllah, I will write frequently. Finger crossed!🤞🏼

Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table

Novice Writer | Available for work | varsatile in niches like Agriculture&Food, thoughts, travelling & short stories. | Contact: Warisnizamani158@gmail.com