Why i want to earn?

Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2024
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

How to earn?

This is the topic i want to ask. The aim of this article is for anyone who is able to read it to know that I’m up for work as an assistant, junior, or helper, i.e., whatever is available for me to write and earn.

People will say this, people will say that, all of the gibberish thoughts, I went through them, I have tried Fiverr, Upwork, and linked in. But, unfortunately, I am not succeeding in any of them.

Maybe this is the last way to try or the first one to open up new ways to write, earn, or learn.

I know it is hard for everyone to try new things, which is why I am pushing myself to achieve something.

I do not want to be one of those who have lame excuses to avoid opportunities. Well, I was one of them, and I am changing myself into a better version of myself.

Now here comes the elephant in the room;


Photo by The 77 Human Needs System on Unsplash

Why i want to earn?

I want to earn because I do not want to think about how expensive groceries are; I want to choose any item from the menu that I like, not the economical one; I want to celebrate happy moments with my family without thinking of work; I want to earn because I want to fulfill the wishes of my family without thinking of budget; and I want to travel wherever I can have some me time!

These are the reasons!

I hope now you know why i want to earn.

So, if anyone found this article appealing, i’m up for work!

Contact: Warisnizamani158@gmail.com



Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table

Novice Writer | Available for work | varsatile in niches like Agriculture&Food, thoughts, travelling & short stories. | Contact: Warisnizamani158@gmail.com