Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2023


Yesterday: the routine got changed

Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

I woke up at 7:45 a.m. after winding up all the items like bedsheets and blankets because these days I spend my nights on the terrace with some stargazing and I’m enjoying it. Yesterday was a typical day, just like they are getting boring after my graduation and I’m waiting for my M.Sc., which I hope will start in August.
After getting dressed, I went to the store to buy some groceries. For lunch, I had roti and lentils with mango as a side dish because I love them. After that delicious meal, I went to bed. When I woke up in the evening, My friend called and left a message when I got up in the evening, asking for a short get-together out of the blue and without warning. I was thrilled.
We initially had four friends; after some time, a fifth joined us, and after supper, a sixth joined us. We proceeded to a residence owned by his relative, where we cooked some chicken karahi and white rice.

Click at the place (we are unprofessional in coolin)

After the meal, we went for a glass of Pepsi, cleaned up, and then returned home, where I once again began stargazing.

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Waris Nizamani
Stories on a table

Novice Writer | Available for work | varsatile in niches like Agriculture&Food, thoughts, travelling & short stories. | Contact: Warisnizamani158@gmail.com