Freedom over yourself! A question of intention it is

Talk to Warlock
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2017

One man walking down the street, a tiger leaps out and is now coming after him.
He runs! Or doesn’t. Who makes that decision? Is it the tiger. Or Is it the man?

The final decision, comes from himself.

As awareness of the situation rises, the human body reacts. Our body’s programmed for survival. It’s wired to react and adapt to all variables to ensure it’s well being.

First, Intense stimulation causes chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol are released into our bloodstream. Causing the body to undergo a series of very dramatic changes. What’s known as the Fight or Flight response. This is similar to a car shifting to max gear, like a signal to the engine to make available as much energy as possible, to help the driver.

Before it is experienced as emotion, this surge of energy passes, like a ray of light, goes through a lens before it is seen or experienced. First the energy goes through belief. Courage or confidence are like lenses which say “I can”, while “I can’t” could be referred to as insecurity. Our beliefs or “lenses” slowly as we go through life, experiences, feelings, and thoughts, all factor into the creation of our beliefs.

Intention, acts similarly as well, influencing how the experience is felt and perceived. It’s not common to have a strong intention that could influence our experience much. Intention’s like a determination or a reason that’s meaningful to you, it could be seen as the mind’s importance gauge, the more important the more powerful! in extreme cases your body inner superpowers are engaged. “I have to stop this tiger or my family would be in danger” could be an example.


Action = X, undetermined, up to the man’s choice-state of mind, free (will)

You can see the buttons are on the inside! We have choice in all of our actions

Intention… Conclusion is that that’s the most important factor

Its whatever’s convenient…If intention is not consciously chosen. It could be anything, so it will be random, dependant on all the other factors

What is one’s ultimate intention? Therefore becomes the most important question to satisfy

When you know your ultimate goal, free will you can use, freedom you can be.

Known ultimate intention = Freedom

Simply, what is you ultimate intention?

