14 April 2022

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
9 min readApr 14, 2022

Happy Easter!

Yes, that headline does show I’m struggling to come up with a pun on ‘literacy’ for my new report with the ODI, ‘Data literacy and the UK government’, thank you for asking. There’s a summary here — and references to Blackadder and Frasier here — but I hope you’ll find the whole thing useful, whether you’re interested in how the UK government approaches and what it’s doing about ‘data literacy’, or thinking about the topic in your own organisation.

I got skills, they’re multiplying: the ODI Data Skills Framework, with the left-hand side featuring ‘literacy’ components

Other bits and pieces:

  • I managed to catch lots of you out with an April Fool last time out under the cover of my FOI request about Cabinet Committees. There is a genuine update this time. Tl;dr: the whole thing is still ludicrous but it looks like something will get published.
  • Given that rigmarole, you’ll not be surprised that I signed an openDemocracy letter with some much more important people about our concerns with Freedom of Information and government secrecy.
  • Interested in how to help civic tech better access quality information and data? You have until 24 April to apply to join the latest Action Lab (aka working group) as part of mySociety’s TICTeC Labs project. Some more background here.
  • Data Bites last week was excellent. Watch the full thing here. Watch some highlights here. Explore the archive here. Details of the next one, on Wednesday 4 May, will shortly appear here.
  • I’m speaking at a techUK on ‘data’s role in propelling the public sector forward’ on 27 April. Sign up here.
  • I’ve blogged about the project I worked on with Public Digital and the Lisbon Council on benchmarking digital government services here.
  • Scott Logic have published a write-up of a private IfG roundtable I chaired, on future frameworks for data sharing in government, here.
  • I’m supporting the Royal Statistical Society with the second event in their Covid evidence sessions series, exploring the statistical resources government had available. Have views? Share them! More details here.

And finally… my choir, the New Tottenham Singers, has just announced details of our (delayed) tenth anniversary concert, featuring Mozart’s Requiem, Vaughan Williams’ ‘Serenade to Music’, Parry’s ‘I Was Glad’ and a world premiere from local composer, Christopher Wilson.

If you can make it on Saturday 18 June, please book some tickets! If you can’t but would still like to support the choir — and we really need to raise money from this concert to keep going after a challenging couple of pandemic years — you can donate the cost of some tickets instead. Thank you!

Have a good long weekend

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Today’s links:

Graphic content


Elysee like Sunday evening

Viral content




Climate of fear



Meta data



Information, speech, etc

Gold(acre) standard

Rough justice

Open for the best

UK government

Digital transformation

Bills, bills, bills

AI got ‘rithm

Everything else


And finally…

