18 February 2022

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
7 min readFeb 18, 2022

A veritable smorgasbord

I’m not even going to pretend I had time to write anything thoughtful this week [what’s new? Ed.]. So enjoy the links!

Jeremy Paxman is unimpressed at the lack of a proper intro this week. (Image from Asbury & Asbury, https://asburyandasbury.typepad.com/blog/2014/06/mr-paxman-interrogates-the-poets.html)

A few things to pull out:

Have a great weekend

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Today’s links:

Graphic content

Fools Russia in

Viral content

Side effects

UK politics

US politics




Text appeal

Everything else

Meta data

Information health

AI got ‘rithm

UK government

Stats the way, aha aha, I like it, aha aha

A farewell to harms

Poll position

Big tech

A Russia blood to the head

Share and share alike

Measure for measure

Net gains, net losses

Open for the best

Everything else


And finally…

Valentine’s Day

Everything else

