2 September 2022

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
12 min readSep 2, 2022

Pink-eyed terminators

Rachel mentioned Boris Johnson’s (in)famous digital/AI speech to the UN. That reminded me of the time I quoted it back at Oliver Dowden, then the minister for digital government. She joked I should set it to music. I had an idea. Someone basically made it happen. And then someone sent me some bonus comedy about said speech.

The internet can be great, sometimes.

Hasta la vista, baby (a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger from one of the Terminator films)

As for everything else:

spEak You’re bRanes Thanks to everyone who’s already filled in the feedback form telling me what you think about this newsletter. It’s open for one more week — please do take a few minutes to help improve Warning: Graphic Content. (One bit of feedback has been about length of the newsletter, so sincere apologies for what follows today.)

Eventing Data Bites returns with a bang after the summer break next Wednesday… I’ll be chairing two events for the IfG at Labour conference and one at Conservative conference (please get in touch if you have a Gavin-shaped hole on your panel)… I’m going to be discussing some of the work I’ve been doing for mySociety at Code for All’s Summit, which takes place 19–22 September… And speaking of mySociety, the last of our TICTeC Labs civic tech surgeries, on civic tech in hostile environments, takes place next week. We’ve also got a call for proposals out for some work on amplifying civic tech’s storytelling and reach.

The good, the bad and the ugly Picking up a running theme, there’s some more good examples of dataviz in sport below. One of those comes from F1, which I think could have done better with this effort — why not have an equal distance between all 44 laps of the race, which would have made their point even more powerfully? This, from BBC Sport, is all kinds of wrong, not least starting the bars at a point other than 0 and underlining why it’s always worth moving away from the Excel default. Though it turns out having a style guide doesn’t always save you — squint and you can see The Guardian has different reds for Bournemouth and Arsenal, but nobody’s actually thought about how to make the chart readable.

Raise your voice My choir, the New Tottenham Singers, is starting term with lots of opportunities to try us out: three free rehearsals (Tuesdays 6, 13 and 20 September) and a couple of free taster sessions (Saturday 10 September). Give us a go, and please spread the word.

Canon fodder The UK government has, for what I think is the first time, published an official list of cities in the UK. Praise be! (Though some further info — dates, reasons — might be nice.) If you’re wondering why that matters, well… it might have avoided Gibraltar not knowing it was a city for 180 years. And might have saved Rochester losing its city status.

Have a good weekend

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Today’s links:

Graphic content


Education, education, education

Crises? What crises?

UK politics

Roe back




Climate of fear


Out of this world

Viral content



Entertainment etc


Meta data

Clearing out

Open for the best, expecting the worse

A farewell to harms

Anti-social media

AI got ‘rithm

UK government(s)

Roe back


Measurement matters

Very online



Everything else


And finally…




