21 April 2023

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
2 min readApr 21, 2023

Something stirs!

Hello, dear reader! It’s been a while — I hope you’ve been well. Thanks for sticking with me (or forgetting to unsubscribe).

Deeply DPDIB: an image of the front page of the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

While this newsletter is still taking a break — sorry for any false hope/scaring you it was returning — I’m contributing to a new, pop-up newsletter-blogpost-type thing you might be interested in: Connected by Data’s new Data Policy Digest.

As part of our work to support civil society respond to the Data Protection and Digital Information (No 2) Bill and think about what good data/tech policy looks like in general, we thought it would be useful to keep track of what’s happening — do let my colleague Jonathan know what you think of the Digest or if you’d like to sign up. If it’s the Bill you’re particularly interested in, we have a dedicated resource page for that, too.

(Naturally, there have been various developments in data policy since we published the Digest this morning…)

Away from Connected by Data, some other things I’ve been up to since pausing the newsletter in January:

With Derek and Dave, I’ve also started some monthly nerdy government drinks for people thinking about the future of government. They’re on the third Thursday of the month — get in touch if you’d like to know more.

Have a great weekend

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