28 June 2023

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
2 min readJun 28, 2023

Something to Digest

Well hello! And thanks for bearing with me/forgetting to unsubscribe during Warning: Graphic Content’s hiatus (which continues, I’m afraid/you’ll be delighted to hear).

Digestive tract: a screenshot of the latest Data Policy Digest from Connected by Data, the publicising of which is pretty much the entire point of this post

For those of you suffering from the lack of data-related links, I thought I’d share my latest, bumper Data Policy Digest for Connected by Data. It covers the last seven weeks (I’ve been busy/on holiday/away with work), which I’m sure you will appreciate have been seven very quiet weeks on the data and AI policy front. What a time I chose to stop sending a weekly newsletter…

A few other things to flag:

  • Data Bites #44 is coming up at 6pm on Monday 10 July — we’ve had a really good run recently, as you can see from the archive
  • It’s also that time of year when I plug my choir’s summer concert — so if you’re in or able to get to Stoke Newington on Saturday 15 July, do come and see us
    (the New Tottenham Singers) perform with Regent Brass
  • They say you can tell how busy a freelancer is from how fancy/basic their website is… I’d add the same is true of how long it takes them to publish their 2022 year note, which will appear here in the next week or so, honest
  • And do get in touch if you’re interested in the monthly nerdy government drinks I’ve been organising with Dave and Derek; if you have a Gavin-shaped hole in any projects you’re running; or if you’d just like to say hello!

Hopefully see some of you in Wolverhampton for Open Data Camp this Saturday.

Enjoy the rest of the week!




Warning: Graphic Content
Warning: Graphic Content

Published in Warning: Graphic Content

A weekly newsletter (every Friday) with links to the week’s best data visualisation, key data/digital news stories, and some light relief. Subscribe via email: http://bit.ly/WGCsubscribe. Archive at warninggraphiccontent.tumblr.com

Gavin Freeguard
Gavin Freeguard

Written by Gavin Freeguard

Freelance, gavinfreeguard.com. All things (usually government) data. Dataviz etc newsletter at twitter.com/WarningGraphicC.

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