5 August 2022

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
6 min readAug 5, 2022

Chart hit

Forget the Tory leadership contest. Forget Boris Johnson’s last days in Number 10 (/at Chequers/on whichever holiday he happens to be on this week). Forget Labour’s picket line problems.

This is the political inside read you’ve all been waiting for: the story of the Institute for Government ministerial resignation chart. With hopefully a few pointers about how to do data and dataviz in your organisation (see also my older piece for Smart Thinking).

Yes, it’s that chart again: the IfG step chart of ministerial resignations

Other bits and pieces:

  • I’d have missed this if not for Civil Service World — a mini-reshuffle of shadow junior ministers has given us a new shadow minister for media, data, and digital infrastructure, Steph Peacock.
  • Interesting piece on attitudes towards immigration in the New Statesman, with some noteworthy charts. I like the subtle colouring between the bars on the third chart, which helps reinforce the change between the two. I’m not quite so sure about the second chart, which may look nice but risks suggesting there are more data points than there are (see this open chart surgery for more).
  • Just reupping this, apropos of nothing.
  • My contribution to a recent ODI roundtable on data experimentalism, which also has details of how you can get involved.
  • On the mySociety front, we’re looking for Action Lab members to help us decide what work to commission on behavioural change and climate action, and we have our final Civic Tech Surgery — on civic tech in hostile environments — coming up on 8 September.
  • And there’s a great looking role going at Global Canopy, which targets the market forces destroying nature through transparency and accountability. If you want to be their new data scientist, you have until 15 August.

Have a good weekend

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Today’s links:

Graphic content

Climate of fear

Viral content



Capital idea

Roe back

People and place


Everything else

Meta data

A farewell to harms

Data: this time it’s personal

AI got ‘rithm

Open for the best, expecting the worst

A sense of place

Tick, tock

UK government

Everything else


And finally…

