6 May 2022

Gavin Freeguard
Warning: Graphic Content
6 min readMay 6, 2022

Short and sweet

This week’s list of links is again a bit shorter (/more manageable) than usual thanks to the bank holiday in the UK — said bank holiday also making this week feel much busier as I had various events to chair.

The audience at this week’s Data Bites anticipating my intro as they realised it was Star Wars Day (alt: GIF with Luke Skywalker telling Chewbacca he has a very bad feeling about this)

So I’ll keep the intro short as well:

Have a great weekend

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Today’s links:

Graphic content


A Roe back on rights

Viral content, side effects




Climate of fear

Everything else

Meta data

Keep the FOIA burning

Bills, bills, bills

Data: this time it’s personal

AI got ‘rithm

UK government

Everything else


And finally…

