How to Run a Warp Keeper Bot for Fun and Profits

Warp Protocol
Warp Protocol
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2024

Warp keeper bots are essential to Warp Protocol, as they are what executes the scheduled transactions and make decentralized automation possible. When running a keeper, you directly contribute to the protocol’s operations, and earn rewards as well. But what exactly are Warp keeper bots, and how do you run one?

This article covers the benefits of running a Warp keeper bot, provides a step-by-step guide to get started, and highlights who should consider running a bot. Let’s get into it!

Warp Protocol and the Role of Keeper Bots

Warp Protocol is the decentralized automation layer of the Cosmos ecosystem. Warp allows developers to create innovative features and unique user experiences through efficient and reliable on-chain automation — no smart contract changes required.

With Warp, developers can schedule future transactions, known as jobs, to be triggered by any set of on-chain circumstances, called conditions. Anything that can be verified on-chain can be used as a condition. These jobs are then added to the Warp job queue, which is monitored by bots called keepers.

Keeper bots continuously monitor whether the specified conditions for a job are met. Once they are met, any Warp keeper can execute the job and earn a reward for doing so. The job creator sets and pays this reward upfront as an incentive for keepers to execute the job. That means the keeper bot that successfully executes the user’s job gets the reward.

Why Run a Warp Keeper Bot?

Running a Warp keeper bot offers several advantages:

  • Earn a Profit: As a keeper bot operator, you can earn profits by monitoring and executing jobs within the Warp ecosystem, contributing to the network’s efficiency and reliability.
  • Market Participation: Keepers play a crucial role in the marketplace of job creators and job executors by fulfilling transactions, thereby ensuring that the ecosystem remains balanced, decentralized, and operational.
  • Minimal Upfront Investment: Unlike other DeFi activities that might require significant resources, all that is needed to run a Warp keeper bot is a wallet, some gas on the chain — Terra, Injective, Neutron, or Osmosis, with more coming soon — and computing power.
  • Low Maintenance: Again, while other DeFi activities might require constant oversight, running a Warp keeper bot is low maintenance and resource-efficient, making it an ideal side project or close-to-passive income stream.

Warp v2, a recently launched upgrade to Warp Protocol, introduced a revamped fee mechanism in which the job reward to incentivize keepers to execute a user’s job is automatically estimated. This enhances the UX for both users and keepers by eliminating unexecuted jobs, and increases keeper profitability.

Getting Started: Running a Warp Keeper

Step 1: Clone this GitHub repository.

Step 2: Add your mnemonic to the config.{chain}.json file that corresponds to your chosen chain.

Step 3: Run the following commands from the cloned repository depending on your chain.

For Terra:

yarn install
yarn bot-terra

For Injective:

yarn install
yarn bot-injective

For Neutron:

yarn install
yarn bot-neutron

For Osmosis:

yarn install
yarn bot-osmosis

That GitHub repo contains the logic for a simple keeper. Coding-savvy users can modify and optimize the code to improve their bot’s speed and execute more of the available jobs for higher profits.

Who Should Consider Running a Warp Keeper Bot?

Anyone can set up and run a Warp keeper bot, making it an accessible option for individuals and teams alike.

  • Individual Developers: Because keeper bots are easy to set up and maintain, individual developers can run a keeper bot to create an extra income stream.
  • Teams with Warp Integrations: Teams that integrate Warp can benefit twice by running a keeper bot, ensuring that jobs are executed reliably and earning rewards.
  • Validators: For validators within the Cosmos ecosystem, running a Warp keeper bot can generate an additional income stream without significant extra effort, as the skills and knowledge required to maintain a validator node are highly compatible with those needed to operate advanced keeper bots.

Join the Warp Community

For support in setting up your bot and optimization tips, join the Warp community on Discord, or join Telegram to chat with like-minded individuals and builders. By following the steps outlined above and actively participating in the Warp community, you can run a keeper bot, contribute to the Warp Protocol ecosystem, and earn extra profits. For more information, visit



Warp Protocol
Warp Protocol

Bringing limitless on-chain automation to the Terra ecosystem