JAMstack best practices: Adding a serverless back-end to Angular

Dominique Péré
6 min readJul 3, 2020


Beautiful Peru Landscape by Carlos Olaizola

JavaScript frameworks, and Angular, in particular, are growing at a very fast pace these days. The latest updated version of Angular offers several benefits such as MVVM, exceptional support for TypeScript, structure, and architecture specifically created for project scalability. What better completes a state-of-the-art Angular front end than a nice serverless back end? We will introduce here a way to perform better and faster with Angular by adding a serverless (FaaS) back-end to it while avoiding to code the HTTP parts on both sides, front and back.

I will show you how to do that with WarpJS — a new approach to serverless — that offers a unique way to code and deploy back-ends on serverless function (FaaS). You can deploy it on any type of public FaaS such as AWS Lambda, GCP functions, or on private clouds.

So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

1. Initialize project

First, we create our main Angular project:

$ npm install -g @angular/cli
$ ng new angular-warp-tuto

2. Set up WarpJS server

In our example we will create a basic HTTP server proxy, to do that we will:

  • fetch the data from a REST API
  • filter the data to avoid to request too much data as client-side
  • add random Lego avatars in response to make the rendered page look prettier ;)

To do so, let’s create a server directory at the root of our main project and initialize a new Node.js project inside it:

mkdir angular-warp-tuto/server
cd angular-warp-tuto/server
npm init -y

And then, install the Axios library that we need:

npm install axios

In the server subproject, let’s create an index.js to create back-end serverless function:

// server/index.jsconst axios = require(“axios”);const getUsers = async () => {
// fetch users from API
const { data } = await axios.get(“https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users");
// Pick attributes and add photo
return data.map(({ id, name, email, phone, company, address }) => ({
city: address.city,
work: company.name,
photo: “https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/lego/" + (id % 10) + “.jpg”,

Now, this is a very important part, we need to tell WarpJS to turn function into a serverless function (FaaS) and to host it as a serverless function by doing this:

// getUsers is the function that we will call from the Front-end
module.exports = { getUsers };

You have it done? From now on, we don’t have to deal with HTTP arguments, errors, endpoints… WarpJS will take care of that for us.

Next, to configure WarpJS, we create a warp.config.js file like this example:

module.exports = {
// project name in the WarpJS console (demo is created by default)
project: “demo”,
output: {
format: “node-module”,
// path to the “node_modules” directory of our main project
projectPath: “../”,
// module name to import it in our main project
name: “warp-server”,

The WarpJS console will be introduced further regarding the “project” property.

WarpJS will generate an npm package named warp-server to be used in the client project thanks to the node-module output format. This works as a helper module (a wrapper) to call our server.

3. Set up WarpJS in project

Our server is ready, now we need to set up WarpJS in our project.

WarpJS comes with a command-line interface (CLI) on the server-side to help us start our local emulator, build our project, and deploy it on a cloud. On the client-side, the WarpJS engine and the helper module will prevent us from making HTTP calls and that’s all we need on this side.

Now, get back to the project, we need to install these small dependencies:

cd ..
npm install @warpjs/engine
npm install warp npm-run-all — save-dev

Then, add the server parts in the start and build commands, and the deploy command-line in package.json:

“scripts”: {
+ “postinstall”: “cd ./server && npm install”,
“ng”: “ng”,
- “start”: “ng serve”,
+ “start:client”: “ng serve”,
+ “start:server”: “warp start-emulator -w ./server”,
+ “start”: “run-p start:*”,
- “build”: “ng build”,
+ “build:client”: “ng build — prod”,
+ “build:server”: “warp build ./server”,
+ “build”: “run-s build:server build:client”,
+ “deploy”: “warp deploy — asset-dir dist/angular-warp-tuto ./server”,
“test”: “ng test”,
“lint”: “ng lint”,
“e2e”: “ng e2e”

Just one more step before we can run and test our project, we need to import the WarpJS engine once to call the serverless function in our code.

I recommend to initialize it in the entry point of the main project:

// src/main.ts
import “@warpjs/engine”;

Then, import the npm module to init and call the serverless function. Here’s how it looks like when the serverless back-end is called:

// imports the Warp helper module, to back-end wrapper
import WarpServer from “warp-server”;
// creates an instance of the helper
const { getUsers } = new WarpServer();
// async call to the serverless function
const users = await getUsers();

Everything is all set, you’re free to test your project now 🤞 🙏🏻

4. Run

We need a WarpJS account to run and deploy our project in the cloud. If you do not have one yet, you can request a free trial this link. It’s free and spam-free 😊.

After you get your account, get back to the console to log in:

npx warp login

We can run the project now, this command-line will run a serverless emulator for the back-ends, and will also start a server to serve our Angular front end.

# run a dev server:
npm run start

After that, a browser will pop up with a list of fake users and Lego faces as profile pictures. Do not hesitate to play the front-end or back-end code, both servers will live-reload 😎

Now is the time… The last step: deploy it on a cloud!

WarpJS will deploy the back end on aFaaS platform (GCP functions) and the front-end on a Google storage.

# build and deploy to production
npm run build
npm run deploy

Your project is now ready!

Now, we have our URL, client and server are well hosted. Throughout the process, we did not have to deal with any HTTPs requests, route, security, endpoints, or errors… that gives us a much faster experience, the opportunity to focus on the logic and the UI, and to forget a little about the pipes 🔧

To integrate with other frameworks, you can find a lot of code samples for many use cases in GitHub, I recently recorded a tutorial video for Vue.JS, and you can find step-by-step tutorials for Vue.js and React.

I hope you’ve found this tutorial helpful and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave it in the comment section below 🙂


Big thanks to Nicolas Pennec who developed the app we took as an example. He is a JavaScript Expert in ScaleDynamics. He co-organizes RennesJS, a French JavaScript Meetup, so if you come by Brittany you’re more than welcome to join us!



Dominique Péré

French, IT engineer, MBA, entrepreneur. Father of 2, idealist, always in for learning, helping others, gaming, pizzas and sci-fi movies.