AI tags are now required on the Atmos platform

Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2023

Preserving the integrity of human creativity

Hello again

Lately, it is now becoming increasingly difficult to determine if a piece of media is truly genuine at first glance, as generative AI systems are constantly improving in quality and accuracy.

To help our users quickly identify AI generated content, on April 17th, 2023, we introduced a concept image showcasing post tags on the Atmos platform, specifically to help identify which posts contained AI generated media.

Then on June 9th, we confirmed that the AI generated disclaimer functionality would be included in the next quality update, which was later released as Atmos Platform Update 3, which included new media capabilities, higher capacities, and much more.

Around this time, we also updated our Atmos Platform Guidelines to reflect the best interest of our users, by requesting a disclaimer if a post contains AI generated content in any capacity, before becoming mandatory after August 31st, 2023.

To help our users identify if a post contains AI generated content, all users must mark their post and comments as containing AI generated content if anything within their post or comment has been AI generated starting September 1st, 2023. This allows our users to remain aware of the content they interact with on the Atmos platform, and allow them to completely remove posts and comments that contain AI generated content from their Atmos experience. Failure to properly tag the posts or comments as containing AI generated content will result in a WarpLight Account violation. To learn more about WarpLight Account violations, refer to the WarpLight Terms of Service.

How to mark posts as containing AI generated content

To mark your post as containing AI generated content on a desktop or laptop computer, or most larger tablets, select the “Options” button that is immediately to the left of the “Post” button, then select “Mark content as AI generated”.

On mobile devices, the steps are relatively the same. Select the post options button that is also immediately to the left of the “Post” button, then select “Mark content as AI generated” from the list. If you are unable to see the bottom row of buttons, such as the “Post” button, try closing your on-screen keyboard first if it is already open.

To mark your comments as containing AI generated content, the steps are the same as when using the post composer, by selecting the post options button immediately to the left of the “Post” button when using the comment composer.

If at any point you would like to fully remove AI generated content from your Atmos experience, you can change the AI generated content visibility option in Atmos’ platform settings.

In the meantime, we’ll continue working on reported bugs and feature requests to continue our commitment to making Atmos the truly next-gen social platform, for everyone, everywhere.




UI & UX designer, IT & networking infrastructure professional with 30+ IT certifications, founder of WarpLight which develops next-gen web services