2017 Soca Review: Aaron Duncan- Mega Vybz

WarrenCivic Soca Critic
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016

Aaron Duncan — Mega Vybz.

We say invest in the youth and i cannot applaud his parents enough for directing Aaron in a positive direction and investing in his talent. It may be expensive but its definitely paying off and if this is what’s to come who knows where he can carry Soca music.

I have to applaud the writer/s for writing a song that isn’t bigger than his age bracket but still able to transcend to all. Written by Rayza Saga & Aaron Duncan you all did an amazing job with this piece and as simple as it is it shows off how diverse writers can be by tailoring songs specifically for individual artiste. So lets get into what i thought about this song.

I liked the concept which explains the genre that is Soca music which is ‘feel good music’ in all actuality. It also describes our emotion when our music is played, for me, personally this song describes my feeling on the road as a masquerader. Nothing compares to music of my land and we celebrate this with the emotion of the most vibes.

I also liked the melodies that we got leading up to the chorus which came in at 0:49 which he says ’cause right now i eh fraid nah, but right now is party on the radar, but nothing could happen when we are together, so let we make it happen just hold on ah partner’. Those words lead us to a explosive chorus with an explosion of adrenaline with the repetition of words ‘We Big & We Mega’.

There was also a break down in the rhythm which i welcomed that created an additional vibes before the second verse. The arrangement of this song with the hooks and repetition of words at different intervals were executed and arranged well that kept you wanting more. Before the outro of the rhythm we also got a nice mix down of the rhythm.

I want to tell Aaron’s mom thank you for sharing him with us musically. Since his transition from Calypso into Soca he has been consistent and this clearly shows that he is not about playing the guess game with the ‘artform’.

I can definitely say he is now a seasoned artiste that i can look forward to a release from every year. This is an investment to the longevity of the life of our culture and to the music of our land and if this is the future our music is definitely in good hands. To the producer Kevin Charles songs don’t come alive without a great producer you did a fantastic job well done brother.



WarrenCivic Soca Critic

I am just a focused independent guy. I like a good laugh with friends and drink now and then.