2017 Soca Review: Preedy-Outta This World

WarrenCivic Soca Critic
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2016

We wanted good music and they delivered. Going into 2017 its his first single for the season, one that we can really hear his passion through the music. Its a song that invoked every emotion and when I first heard it I knew that this song is another one that will go beyond Carnival.

This brother is so dedicated, passionate and hungry for the success not only for himself but his every effort is dedicated to making the music better. Some may say am wrong for this but the artiste that don’t have a regular eight to four are more focused, this is their life, this is their bread and butter for like of a better description. This is no hustle for them and we hear the passion through the music.

I see the drive for success through the late hours, the late nights going from studio to studio looking for that one song. If they miss its not about forcing it, its about getting up and going again without wasting time arguing to force down our throats.

This year with most artiste they brought their A game and they put all into the music. We were in a dark place in 2017 and the views were mixed after carnival. I think they were able to take us out of that place by giving us exceptional music. The Soca has everyone tuned in and songs like this are examples of that interest.

When I first heard this song my eyes got full because this all we wanted to hear, good music to make us feel good. The background vocals were on point executed so smoothly and we were treated to that at different intervals throughout this song. It added body to the song. The lyrics were executed so smooth it really made the listener feel good and it exerted emotion from the listener and I could appreciate that for what its worth.

Beyond being a feel good song, I appreciated the fact that it was also a sing along, its also the type of song that cannot be limited to party or any specific geographic location…..this is music, when you listen to this song you don’t get that sense of limiting it to a location.

I love the intro and outro the way it was slow leading us to a build up and the outro was slow leaving us wanting more. We have so many great producers in Trinidad which isn’t usual up the islands artiste here have options. However, in music I think Preedy and producer Anson really have a chemistry which I think brings out the best in each other through music. That isn’t to say other producers are not good who he has worked with so don’t overthink it and get all emotional. #yuhknowallyuh

For a first release this is a great start as a single in building his repertoire for 2017. From vocals to the actual concept this is no doubt a song that speaks to me in volumes, amazing job.



WarrenCivic Soca Critic

I am just a focused independent guy. I like a good laugh with friends and drink now and then.