Julian’s Not Even Mad

Warren Lain
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2015

Since the Melody Module Preview went up, I have received some very cool responses. Here’s one of them, from Julian in Poland:


Below is his reaction to the preview:

So… I watched the preview videos and I’m not even mad that I can’t watch the rest of the module, because I’m not financially independent (that’s a fancy way of saying “I don’t have my own money”).

I sent you a picture on Twitter of what today’s afternoon looked like in my room. Lot of learning and revelations.

Speaking of which, here’s 3 main things I figured out myself based on the first episodes of Melody:

1. “Little Drummer Boy” is in Church Mode

2. First three notes of “Ingenue” are “3”, “2” and “1” of the G Minor scale (I should’ve recorded my face when I realized this. I thought: “It’s that simple? Holy f$&#!”)

3. I apparently have Absolute Pitch. My Mom always says that I have perfect hearing, but you indirectly confirming it for me was another thing altogether. Another “Wow” moment.

As far as Relative Pitch goes, I guess I use it when following the distance between frets on my guitar in order to play a riff or a melody, but I don’t do it without first naming the main note I hear in my head. A Relative/Absolute hybrid, if you will.

I didn’t expect to have that many “eureka” moments today. I felt this different energy building up inside me (maybe it’s the “musicianship unlocking within” ;) )

Thank you for bringing this new experience to me. It’s exhilarating, I tell you that!

Order the Melody Module today. Or buy the Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm* together for and even greater savings!

Join Julian and many others in the journey towards building a musicianship of your very own… one that lasts a lifetime.

*Rhythm Module is available as a pre-order. Melody and Harmony are available now.

