Announcing crafting. Immutable X launch details.

War Riders
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2021

Hello warriors,

It’s been a busy few months for us as we have been cooking up a lot of great stuff. Ethereum gas prices are still insanely high, and we are working very hard to deliver affordable transactions and improved gaming experience to you in the shortest amount of time. In addition to the high gas prices, we have seen a number of players complain about the balance in the game. So, the two biggest improvements that are coming to War Riders in the next couple of months are crafting and Immutable X launch. However, there are also a lot of upcoming updates that are mentioned at the end of this article. Excited? If so, keep reading.

What is crafting?

The crafting system is the collection of game mechanics that enable a player to create in-game items, with examples ranging from crafting weapons, vehicles, vehicle parts, armor and so on. Please note that all crafted objects will be in-game items and not NFTs. You won’t be able to craft any unique weapons or vehicles that warriors bought or will buy for ETH or BZN from our website (to preserve the value of these items). For example, you will be able to craft War Vans and standard weapons that have better stats, but you will NOT be able to craft a Lambo or M2c Browning.

How does crafting work?

In War Riders, the crafting items are comprised of Resources, Components and Products. Here is what it looks like:

  1. Obtain Resources in the Wasteland and bring them to the garage.
  2. Move Resources from the vehicle to your inventory.
  3. Create Components from Resources by using recipes.
  4. Craft Products.

Besides crafting Products and Components, you can also disassemble them to get back the Resources. However, you may receive only a part of the Resources you used to craft the item.

Resources are usually found in the Wasteland or obtained from other players, as resources fall on the ground when the vehicle is destroyed. For example, you may find a bottle of sulfuric acid, a paint kit, a used tire or a gold bar.

Each Component has a different recipe, so crafting may take some grinding. Components are used to make Products and may have unique traits. Some examples are engine, battery, alternator, barrel, etc.

Examples of Products are vehicles, weapons, custom wheels, bull bars/front shields and equipment. Some products can be used to increase the performance of your NFT vehicles and weapons.

Crafting will require BZN to be spent in the game. This will further increase BZN utility.

The Immutable X launch

The Ethereum gas prices have been delaying the launch of the mid-grade vehicle and garage sales for a while. However, the Immutable X integration is running smoothly, and we are ready to share some details!

How to participate in the upcoming War Riders sale on Immutable X?

Immutable X allows users to keep their existing Ethereum wallet: no installations, upgrades or changes required. A simple linking interface will soon be available on the War Riders website, which will enable your access to Immutable X.

What are we able to do on Immutable X?

Minting items. A crucial feature of Immutable X is the ability for assets to be minted off-chain. This allows NFT applications to create millions of NFTs without incurring unsustainable gas costs. Minted assets can be withdrawn directly onto the Ethereum mainnet at any point.

Deposits. Deposits take an on-chain asset (ETH, ERC20 or ERC721) and lock it in the Immutable X smart contract on-chain. Once this deposit is processed, the locked asset is available for transfer and trade inside Immutable X.

Trading. Trading on Immutable X is gas-free but will have a commission associated with it.

Withdrawals. Withdrawals enable an asset to be moved from Immutable X to the main Ethereum blockchain. Withdrawal is a two-step process: first, the withdrawal must be included in a batch. This process may take up to 24 hours depending on when the request is made. Second, the user must send an on-chain transaction to move the asset from the Immutable X smart contract into their own wallet.

Immutable X is a scaling engine for NFTs that utilizes ZK-Rollup technology to securely scale and remain on the Ethereum mainnet. Read this article to learn more about Immutable X.


Delays are occurring not only on our side but on our partner’s sides as well. While we don’t have the exact release dates, we are hoping to launch the first version of crafting in the upcoming month. The Immutable X launch largely depends on the readiness of Immutable X to scale. While we’ve already seen a successful launch of Gods Unchained on Immutable X, the team is still working on a few things before they are ready to do a mainnet launch for War Riders. We will keep you posted on the progress and the approximate launch dates.

What to do in the meantime?

Our closed alpha is fairly stable and gathers a lot of people every weekend. We tried to do events twice a week, but this is not currently possible for the following reasons:

  1. At each event, we have a lot of bug reports and tech issues, which consume a lot of our dev time. We would like to focus on improving the development to ensure the proper scaling of the game when all of the aforementioned updates arrive.
  2. We would like to limit the BZN emission while more BZN utility is coming up.

The events will keep happening each weekend:

Even week — Saturday

Odd week — Sunday

You can use this service to determine if the week is even or odd. We also have the event countdown on this page.

More news and updates:

  1. Did you see the brand-new Trophy Truck? The Trophy Truck is the latest reveal of the third mid-grade vehicle that will be available with the Immutable X launch. The Trophy Truck is a vehicle used in high-speed off-road racing. Our Trophy Truck features long-travel suspension and a high-powered engine, which is perfect for the Wasteland.
  2. Gas Alert. We developed a brand-new discord bot that alerts you when the Ethereum gas price drops below a set level. In addition to that, it may also provide current gas prices and the estimated cost of BZN withdrawals. Check it out!
  3. We are working on fixing the physics issues that caused “flying across the map” vehicles. In addition to that, improvements are being made to the Dune Buggy and War Truck.
  4. We’ve also been expanding our state-of-the-art login/deposit system, and you may soon see more projects using it. There aren’t a lot of details we can disclose at the moment, but this will be very exciting for the BZN ecosystem.

See you in the Wasteland!



War Riders

Entrepreneur | Gamer | Blockchain Connoisseur