Free garage ownership tokens for all NFT users. BZN liquidity mining and more.

War Riders
Published in
7 min readDec 9, 2020

Hello warriors,

All NFT owners from any other game or collectible are now able to receive Area 721 garage ownership tokens in War Riders based on their past activity with ERC-721 tokens. You are automatically eligible if you had at least one ERC-721 token in your Ethereum wallet prior to November 1, 2020. All you need to do is register for a free game account, link your Ethereum wallet and log into the game at least once. All existing users are automatically eligible with no action required. However, existing users should stay active and participate in the upcoming discord invite competition to receive additional ownership tokens.

What is Area 721?

Area 721 is one of the 10 genesis garages located in the Genesis Wasteland Map. Garages can be compared to land in other blockchain-based games, as each of them represents a strategic location that can generate passive BZN income. In addition, garages can serve as strategic bases for clans. The more garage ownership tokens you own, the bigger advantage you would gain. In addition, these ownership tokens may help govern the virtual economy of these strategic locations in the future. The ownership tokens of Area 721 have a hard cap of 100,000 tokens, which means that no more tokens will be created. These tokens are in-game ownership tokens and not NFTs.

Mini-map of an early version of the Genesis Map

Why are we giving away Area 721 ownership tokens?

Area 721 was created as a tribute to the NFT community. At War Riders, we welcome everyone who values decentralization of the in-game assets and virtual economies. The best way to identify these people is to analyze their previous verifiable actions on the blockchain. So, this holiday season, we are excited to welcome every single one of you NFT hoddlers into the Wasteland. Claiming is free, but there is one catch: things are a bit dangerous in the Wasteland, but, hey, you ain’t afraid of a few gunshots, are you?

Distribution details and eligibility

Starting December 2020, each historical NFT user is eligible to receive 80 ownership tokens of the Area 721 garage. The NFT ownership is verified based on the snapshot that was taken on November 1, 2020. If you owned at least 1 NFT (we only support ERC-721 at the moment) prior to November 1, 2020 (from WR or any other crypto game or collectible), you will be eligible to receive 80 ownership tokens of Area 721 at the end of December.

Each subsequent month, every historical NFT user will receive half the number of tokens from the previous month. This also includes all existing players:

December 2020–80 tokens per player

January 2021–40 additional tokens per player

February 2021–20 additional tokens per player

March 2021–10 additional tokens per player

This will continue until we reach a hard cap of 100,000 tokens. The last distribution may divide the remaining tokens among all existing players.

Moreover, all participants of the discord invite competition that starts December 10, 2020 at noon EST could receive an additional 20–200 ownership tokens based on their user invite count (please see more info below). The existing invite count would be reset for all users at the start of the competition.

How to claim your Area 721 ownership tokens:

1. Register for a free game account here and link your favorite Ethereum wallet. Please follow this guide.

2. Download the game from here and login at least once prior to the first distribution.

3. Participate in the discord invite competition to receive additional tokens.

Discord invite competition

The discord invite competition incentivizes players to invite their friends into our discord community to introduce them to the Wasteland. Keep inviting your friends until we reach the hard cap of Area 721 ownership tokens to receive additional ownership tokens:

5 invites — 20 additional tokens

10 invites — 30 additional tokens

20 invites — 60 additional tokens

30 invites — 100 additional tokens

50 invites — 200 additional tokens

How to participate in the invite comp:

Join the WR discord server. Generate a unique invite link and send it to your friends with a brief explanation of what WR is and why they should join. Please do not spam other servers and respect the rules of other communities. Generally, you may post invite links in the spam/other projects/links or channels of other communities where it’s explicitly allowed. In that way, your message won’t get deleted, and you won’t get booted. Use the Wasteland Invites bot to check the count of your invites and leaderboard by using the following commands:

!invites — check the number of your invites

!leaderboard — check the leaderboard

We do not welcome cheating, so please be mindful of that when participating in the event. The users you invite should be real and at least have some basic activity in our server or others. We may disqualify you if you cheat and invite fake users.

When you gain the necessary number of invites to unlock the reward, a brand-new channel will open up for you in discord where you will be able to post your ETH address. Please only post your ETH address and nothing else in these channels as we automatically grab these addresses using a bot.

Please only post your ETH address once and don’t duplicate it in other channels. For example, if you already posted your ETH address to the 10-people-invite channel, do not duplicate your address in the 5-people-invite channel. In other words, you should only post your address in the highest-ranking channel you were able to unlock before the distribution at the end of the month.

What’s next?

  • This distribution is leading to a huge garage sale–an important milestone in our game–which will start shortly after we reach the hard cap for Area 721, projected to happen in January or February. We will be taking into account the Ethereum network load and gas prices, so please wait for the exact date announcement. Please mine as much BZN as possible before the sale, as you will need it to acquire garage shares!
  • The mid-grade sale will run privately in the form of bundles until the end of December 2020. The Black Friday bundles sold out almost instantaneously and more drops are coming! Check #official-bundles channel in our Discord for real-time bundle alerts. We are now estimating that we will officially open up the mid-grade sales directly from the Car Factory in mid-January to provide new players with affordable mid-grade rides.
  • BZN liquidity mining: we will be incentivizing players to provide BZN-ETH liquidity to Uniswap. There will be BZN rewards for liquidity providers. Please wait for more information on this.
  • Redesigned referral links: our referral system underwent an upgrade to comply with the recent privacy changes regarding the popular Ethereum wallets. Moving forward, the referrer’s ETH address would be stored in the referee’s browser local storage until the referee is ready to make a purchase. The referrer would always earn 5% of the sales revenue as long as the referee’s browser keeps the referral code (could be forever). To copy your invite link, go to, connect your wallet and copy the link at the bottom of the page. You can then start spreading your invite links like a virus! The user only needs to click on your link once for you to earn referral fees. Your referral would only be lost If the user clicks on someone else’s link or clears his/her local storage.

What’s new in the game?

New camera mode, mini-map with garage and BZN station locations, awesome wheelies from the Dune Buggies, and more. Check it out!

The next event starts at 11 AM EST, on Friday, Dec 11. Cancersticks and others will be streaming the game with possible giveaways. Here is the countdown. See you in the Wasteland.



War Riders

Entrepreneur | Gamer | Blockchain Connoisseur