The Ephemeral Node release is live! Important changes.

War Riders
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2022

Hi warriors,

For the past few months, our team has been heads down, revamping the entire codebase and making sure we implement the necessary changes to allow War Riders to scale. One of the most important problems we were trying to solve is making the game more enjoyable for the solo players and achieving the necessary scalability to continue our path forward. Today, we are excited to launch “The Ephemeral Node” release, marking an important milestone in our post-apocalyptic journey.

What are the Ephemeral Nodes?

The Ephemeral Nodes are the pumps that don’t have a fixed location in the Wasteland and can spawn in different places. All the previous stationary nodes remain in place, and the total distribution numbers are not affected. The Wasteland Core still detects node camping and shifts BZN distribution to less crowded pumps. The Ephemeral Node with a fewer number of vehicles nearby will be prioritized for distribution, and every single vehicle counts. If all the nodes are equally congested, the Wasteland Core will be distributing to the random nodes.

This algorithm incentivizes players to keep moving and not stand in line for the pump. This system should make it nearly impossible to camp all the nodes in the game, which will allow for more decentralized gameplay.

Displaying the nodes in the map

It is now impossible to see all the node locations in the Wasteland as your vehicle's radar can now only detect the nearby pumps. This is implemented for security purposes, so that the bad actors can’t have a tactical advantage by reading all the pump balances across the Wasteland by altering the game client.

We understand this may not be the best experience for you, and we need your feedback. What do you think is the best way for us to display the stationary and ephemeral nodes in the map? Tell us in our discord or telegram.

Changes in the mining speed

With the recent Wasteland expansion and the increased numbert of nodes, the base mining speed needed to be adjusted to make the gameplay more interesting. Below are the new mining speed values in the BZN per second:

SUV - 0.0293

War Lambo - 0.0275

Car Tank - 0.0223

Hovercraft - 0.025

War Truck - 0.071

War Van - 0.0839

War EV - 0.042

Dune Buggy - 0.0248

Trophy Truck - 0.0208

Multiple fixes and optimizations

The Ephemeral Node release introduces the first-ever native M1 War Riders build for macOS. It means that all users running the newest Apple silicon will be able to enjoy incredible efficiency and compatibility. This release is also backward-compatible and will support older macOS computers.

The improved anti-cheating and security features should provide a safer gameplay experience. As always, we are here to help with any hiccups via our ticketing system that now supports both the Main Server and the Playground Server.

The all-new sound and synchronization system should make the mining process enjoyable as you can now see and hear while other players mine BZN. This should also solve a lot of bugs related to negative BZN balances at the pumps.

We have improved the wheel collider system on the War Lambo, which should reduce the amount of “quicksand” occurrences. Please let us know if it helps and if you’re still having problems with other vehicles.

The importance of security

We are sure you have heard of the recent hacks in some blockchain games with millions of dollars worth of assets stolen from the users. In War Riders, your security is our top priority. For years, we have been doubting every single scalability solution and making sure we do a thorough security audit before we adapt anything. As of right now, staying on Ethereum is the safest choice, and using rollups will be the only secure path forward. We are excited about the road ahead as some of the most promising technologies, such as ZK-rollups for NFTs, are being developed.

Keep in mind that in crypto you’re always in charge of your security. Be mindful of everything you do in the space and question everything. Do not trust, verify.

The road ahead

Our team continues to actively work on War Riders and strives to meet the important milestones. It is essential to understand that, as our codebase is getting larger, it becomes increasingly difficult to implement complex changes and keep up with new technologies. As we move forward, we have to make sure that all parts of the project are up-to-date and secure, all functionality is preserved and improved, and everything is thoroughly tested and verified. A lot of components depend on one other, and, as we update and adapt to the newest technology, all related components also have to be updated, revamped and thoroughly tested. Therefore, the development is going a lot slower compared to the early days. This is definitely frustrating for some users, but it is the right path forward.

We hope that this update will ease the pain and make the solo gameplay easier. Please stay tuned for the upcoming releases of the Liquidity Program, Garage Sale, Account/Clan management systems, Crafting, Mid-Grade vehicle sale and more.

See you in the Wasteland!



War Riders

Entrepreneur | Gamer | Blockchain Connoisseur