A Quote by Robert A. Heinlein and Why I Like It

K. Kris Loomis đź“š
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2018


A Writer’s Quote Series: Episode Three

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I really like this quote by Robert A. Heinlein, an author often referred to as the dean of science fiction writers (and one of the early sci-fi heavy hitters up there with Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov):

“Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it in private and wash your hands afterward.”

For me, this quote about writing has three important elements to it:

Not necessarily something to be ashamed of…

I was at a social gathering recently and the host introduced me to someone by saying, “This is Kris. She’s a writer.” What did I do? I shyly glanced at the floor and blushed an embarrassed shade of rosé before I held out my hand to the stranger.

What’s up with that?

I mean, I have nothing to be ashamed of, right? I may not be a household name or have a book on Oprah’s reading list, but I am a hard-working writer and am slowly building my empire (cue evil laughter).

This quote reminds me I need to work on my self-assurance and look someone in the eye when I’m introduced as a writer.

Do it in private…



K. Kris Loomis đź“š

Writer, bibliophile, yogini, chess geek, player of Beethoven and Scriabin. Más cafe, por favor! Find out more about Kris at https://manylink.co/@kkrisloomis