That Moment You Realize…

Willis G. Ford
3 min readAug 18, 2018


copyright: Willis G. Ford

Josh was so tired.

It had been a long Friday at the bank, and the customers seemed to be jerkier than normal today. All he could think about was picking up the sausage and onion pizza he had called into Luigi’s. Nothing was going to be better than hitting the couch with a beer and a pie and just forgetting about the miserable day.

Picking up the pizza was a weird experience. The cashier, who appeared to be new, seemed nervous and didn’t make eye contact. Josh didn’t really care though; he just wanted to get home.

As Josh got in his car, something didn’t feel right about the pizza box. It was heavier than normal, and the box was cold. How weird!

He opened the box, and the world seemed to stop. Instead of a pizza, there was a stack of money and a small gun with an extra magazine or clip or whatever they called the bullet holder thingy. He didn’t really know much about guns.

Also was a thick manila file folder. Josh was confused and hesitant but opened the file Inside was a stack of photos and on top was the picture of a nefarious looking man. Josh wasn’t the smartest man around, but he watched enough movies and read enough spy books to know this was an assassin’s dossier.

Was this really happening?

Josh became dizzy and disoriented. He sweated profusely, and he tried to figure out what was going on. He was just a bank teller, nothing more. Someone had made a huge mistake. He was frozen trying to figure out what to do next.

Maybe he walked back into Luigi’s and said,

Excuse me sir, I think you made a mistake. Here is your dossier, your gun, and your money. And oh, by the way, maybe you should ask for ID the next time you hand over a pizza to an assassin.

Yeah, that would go over real well, he thought. He could never go back in there again. He would be a dead man.

He became nauseated as the gravity of the situation overcame him. He opened the car door and vomited, all the while keeping an eye on the door to Luigi’s to make sure no one saw him.

He started to weep and shake uncontrollably as the realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

He was never going to be able to order Luigi’s pizza again!



Willis G. Ford

Willis G. Ford was born a wide-eyed nom de plume on a foggy day in February 1849. He lives to pollute the world with little pieces of non-biodegradable prose.