“10 Ways to Invincibility: Heavy Beats of the Heart! Or the Art of Learning to Listen”

> by Doc Samurai Sam> Revised July 23–26, 2023

Fighting to Survive!

Written while fighting cancer that had relapsed at MD Anderson Cancer Center, undergoing Car-T Cell treatment. Ghosted by a girlfriend, who promised to be my caregiver.

While watching two male birds fighting for attention for a lady to mate with, I thought of this.

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  1. Metal Mind: Build a fortress in your mind. >

Always believe you can. I was overweight. I lost weight. I loved and was addicted to eating junk food. Indeed, I was the king of junk. I grew up in Los Angeles. It has the world’s best Korean restaurant.

K-pop stars, even, fly to eat there. There is fusion food, like Korean Tacos. So it was easy to overeat. I found a way through research and thinking to not eat so much. The mind is more powerful than any addiction.

2. Metal Heart: Build a Heart of Gold.

Be kind to others. Care about your practice. Dedicate time. I woke at 4:30 AM and began to run! I don’t do well with friends or relationships. I am always kind, but people are not always compassionate. Even family members.

I found myself alone a lot. I did not become bitter. I still help others. I think we are here for others, not ourselves. I taught for some 27 years as a teacher. Teachers are paid terrible. I loved to teach because I became the mentor I never had. Gold is powerful!

3. Metal Fist. Have fists of fury.

Don’t give up. But don’t over train. NO Steroids. I have many black belts. I know that life is like a fight. I always win on the streets. I have never lost. Even when the odds looked bad.

I was the last one standing. Life is the same way. I am not rich, but I am still here smiling. Attitude is gratitude. I am thankful for the power of my fists!

4. Metal Body. Eat the right foods.

I used to eat junk food a lot. I loved donuts. NO MORE. I am vegan, and loving it. I eat more protein than meat eaters. I studied diets. Again this sounds like a previous claim to invincibility. It is different. I created my own yoga as a kid. I knew of no yoga studio.

I bought a book and made it up. One day at school, the gymnastics coach saw me stretching. He told me to join the team. I told him that I never did gymnastics. He said I would learn. So I did. In one year, I became of the best gymnasts on the team.

Everyone was shocked, but me. I trained about 6 to 8 hours a day. The body becomes a sacred temple. I even changed how I ate. So power up the imagination of the body to learn the impossible. University coaches started to notice me, even UCLA.

5. Metal Friends. Find the master trainers.

I traveled to Japan and other countries to find them. They change my way of training. They taught me the art of pain. The art of mindful breathing. I have never lost a fight. Breathing is key. In kendo, you learn to do 10 or more strikes with one continuous breath.

The idea is that you kill ten samurai in one breath. Each strike is one death. The only way you learn this is by practice. It take years to perfect it. It is part of your very first test. Other systems do the same thing.

So I found other teachers who taught the same way. MMA fighters need to learn this. I train them now. Therefore, power up free the breath to unleash the fountain on inner infinite energy.

6. Metal Fire. Breathe the fire of dragons.

Be wild but free. Feel the war. The Warrior within. The key is to free the fire within. Let the volcano burst. Dare to be you. This is the passion of the chi or energy. This energy is what makes anyone special. We are told we are no good. We are put down a lot. I am part Asian, part White, part Latino, and part African. I have experienced racism from every culture.

I think I look mostly Asian because my mother was from North Korea. Full blooded Asians have challenged me the most and have stabbed me in the back the most. Bruce Lee was mixed too. Chinese treated him and called him a “White Devil.”

We know what it means to be treated like shit from your own people. Bruce never lost a fight when another Chinese challenged him. I have never lost a fight when a full blooded Korean challenged me. NEVER. I feel the power of fire! Feel the heat of my blood!

7. Metal Relationships. Find the right person.

Someone who will be your body guard, who loves you unconditionally. I am still looking. You need support. It is hard to live in this crazy world alone. Love more to be more! I love with complete compassion.

When I tell women some of my passionate desires, they often go crazy and want me more. I do not like this, so I often hide my passion until they share their passion with me.

Women have followed me around since I was in high school. I do not think I am handsome, but I noticed this. Women often ask me out. My first wife asked me out to a date. I was shy and said no. She was sad, but later I asked her out.

Once we become a team, I would do anything for her. The power of love is the power of life.

8. Metal Dreams. Enter Lucid Dreaming.

Train even when you sleep. Enter the castle of the slumber lord, and dare to become the person you always wanted to be. No one believed in me. So I dared to dream the impossible. I was told I was stupid. Even my father thought I was dumb. I hated school. It seemed like prison. No one knew I had learning disabilities. I didn’t.

I had to fight for my respect. Books? What? I taught myself. Now, I have a PhD while writing on vampires and shapeshifting women of passion. Lucid dreaming is possible. Buddhist monks can meditate while they dream.

That way your life is more enriching. You are what you dream you want to become. The power to dream is the power to become alive with the magic of shamans. Power up!

9. Metal Water. Drink Cool Water.

Try Pure Coconut water. You must rebuild your body as you train. I would train from 12 to 15 hours a day. I was a gymnast, a ballet dancer, and a samurai martial artist. My coaches or teachers recruited me. Be water. . . says Bruce Lee. I have won Salsa dance contests.

I was voted the best dancer from a Colombian audience. See Bruce Lee was a ChaCha champion! The power of rebirth or samsara is key to survival. From death, we regain life.

From failings, we become invincible. Baptism is done with water. Power up to the heavy beats of water as you fight to breathe deeply from the ocean of the waves from the lust of living.

10. Metal Music. Find the Groove. Find the sound that rings your bell.

Shake your booty and enjoy the passion found within the mystical voice of the divine. Unify with the infinite of love, life, and liberty. Free your soul.

Free your spirit. Free your sight. See the divine. Shake it. Quake it. Make it!

There are more than 10 steps. This exploration along the path was how I focus on the path of life. I have studied this path more intensely when I taught in Korea and saw the symbols of Chines Alchemy on the outer walls of the temples. I then started to study more.


Metal _______? What are other steps you might follow? Share with me.

I want to learn from you. We are each other, not separate. The awakening of the golden flower from the third eye of Chinese alchemy is only the 8th step. I discovered and uncovered this flower when I was in middle school.

To reach the infinite path of Metal Lore, use your imagination.

Metal Freedom? Yes, I love rock and roll. The screaming guitar in heavy metal. I love all music. Prince plays a crazy guitar screaming keys in the song “When Doves Cry.” I saw him play it live. The best show ever.

Be alive, not dead. What are your ten tips or ten steps in the path to life? You might like jazz, silence, or K-pop. I was a jazz drummer and played the trombone growing up. Monk and Mingus ruled my time. I love the Blues. Music remains my main drug.

Learn to listen to the beats that others miss. A past girlfriend used to tell me to shut up because she was talking and wasn’t finished. She wasn’t rude. I loved the sound of her voice. So I shut up.

I listened and smiled. She opened up her heart to me. She later ghosted me, but perhaps I didn’t listen enough.

I still love her. I was married to her in another life. We will meet again. I searched my whole life to find her. I did, but we only lasted 5 years. The most golden years of my listening!

Power up.

Share with me. Thank you. See more to be more! Forgive any errors. I am relearning to write. English is my second language. Chemo has destroyed part of my cognitive mind.

Help. I still owe hospital bills because of cancer. Thank you!

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🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅