✅ Becoming a Fetish: Sexual Health > Part 1✅


✅Life Story: The Education of O✅

Growing up, I was super shy. However, I liked to play with Tom Boys, macho girls who loved to run, laugh, and be my friend. My sister was one, and we got along fine. She had blond hair.

Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

✅However, I avoided pretty girls,

even though I secretly thought of them all the time. Years later, all grown up, I was in a bank and a very attractive lady was there.

She starred at me as her face lit up, and she walked up to me, so I became very uncomfortable. Then, she smiled and said, “Wayne, is that you?” All of the sudden I remembered and replied quickly, “Lisa!” She was one of the girls I had a super crush on as a kid.

She rushed into me and gave me a long, warm hug. I was shocked. Then blushing, she told me that she had the biggest crush on me. Now I was speechless. We talked for short while, and she mentioned she met my mother once and talked about me to her.

She suddenly left, waving good bye. Sadly, I forgot to get her phone number, and I never saw her again. Originally, there were only three girls I dreamed of constantly and had erotic dreams about in my childhood. In my life, I only have had a hand full of girlfriends, and three of them I married. Basically, I am used to being alone, yet I love to go to clubs to dance with women, but I never go home with anyone.

I never had a one night stand ever, not my style. I have women who call me, who message me, and who send letters to me all the time. However, I rarely date anyone because I am shy. However, I am the king of social media, and women flirt with me all the time from around the world. Something strange happened along the way from childhood to adulthood. Some women became so obsessed with me that they would send me love letters and nice gifts.

Some are married. Some are rich. Some are, of course, lonely. One day, I uncovered and discovered a truth that I missed. I had become a fetish to some. One called me “Daddy” and wanted me to beat her. I refused to have sex with her or beat her. She came to house, gave me gifts, and waited for me to attack her. I guess. Oh, she was blond. I loved to brush her hair, she loved it too. Oddly, I never did have sex with this beautiful woman. Instead, I bought her hard candy, sweet chocolate, and Asian desserts.

Actually, she had lived in Asia and really loved the men she met there. She shared with me her sexual conquests there. However, I broke off with her many times because I didn’t know what do to. Yes, I wanted sex with her, but I wanted her to love me for me, and not for some sort of lustful sex symbol of the Orient, whatever that was.

Strangely, I liked her most because she remains the smartest woman I ever met. To me, big brains are number one over the larger hills of the curvy, lustful body. She knew a vast amount of knowledge that no one knew.

Indeed, she researched, not in books, but going to the Asian countries themself and investigating her theories. Actually, she should be writing books and working at a university like Harvard. However, she preferred to focus on her many lovers. Sadly, she never wrote a book. She, instead played with men’s bodies in bed.

I just loved talking to her and explaining that she was wrong on certain idea, because I did the same as her, intellectually. Basically, I investigated and researched about the world. I loved to read. However, I traveled a lot. She was the greatest love of my life, the smartest woman I ever knew or met. I didn’t feel comfortable in our relationship, so one day, I told her to stop seeing me, and she was destroyed. Later, she then turned on me, an eye for an eye. She threatened to have me arrested, and she so hated me. She blocks me now.

I moved on, and another woman fell in love with me, and she also called me, “Daddy,” but this time, we did have BDSM sex, so loud that the police came to find out what was going on. She was my little Brat Baby girl.

Oh, she was blond with green eyes. I was in love, and she was also smart. However, the sessions over time became too intensely violent for my taste, and I also felt she did not love me. I had become her greatest Oriental fantasy, so I left her. Sadly, she tried to commit suicide and told me she didn’t want to live anymore.

Time and time again, I met women who became obsessed with me, not because I have money. I don’t. Not because I have charisma. I don’t.

They, instead, love the fact that I am the sex god of the Orient. Oh, I have a body, muscles like Bruce Lee. I was a gymnast, did yoga, and practiced martial arts. Another beautiful woman had me perform Bruce Lee kung fu action with nunchaus weapons while I was nude. She came and came and came. Oh, did I tell you that she was blond.

Photo by Fervent Jan on Unsplash

✅However, do you notice a trend here. Really? What? No?

Oh, Bruce Lee had married a blond woman! True. Research it. Basically, my obsessed with blonds shows that they are my sexual fetish and fantasy. In Korea furthermore, Asian women have blond hair too, for they dye it. This remains a popular K-Pop fashion.

Photo by NIKITA SHIROKOV on Unsplash

I am now an old Asian man, without a blond girl friend, or blond wife. However, on social media, I still have many fans, and many blonds whom I like, one in Italy, one in Scotland, and another in Brazil. Nothing changes. I still have muscles! Where are you Blond Librarian Goddess?

✅A fetish for a fetish. ✅

My mother met Marlyn Monroe in person in Korea other Hollywood blond bombshells. Yes, I have a fetish for blonds.

Finally, I also am obsessed with cross-eyed Asian women. Really! However, that is another story about Mei Ling.

FYI. My sister is half Asian and mixed like me. I wrote in another entry that she went through hell for being a blond Asia and I confused people with my brown hear

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🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅