✅Health as Wealth> The Art of Surviving: SunFlower Power


✅> Life Lessons: Hunger Games, the True Story of Survival>

It starts with love. . .

Surviving Cancer>. Sunflower Power Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

All my life, I love to eat a lot of food, I love to dance at clubs, and I love life with friends and family. Then it started, an ambulance would come to my house and take me to the ER because I was in pain. I went many times during one summer month. One time in the hospital, I woke up and a doctor was sitting next to my bed waiting for me to wake up. I thought that I must really be in trouble for him to be there. He smiled and said he was an oncologist, a cancer doctor, and he explained that he believed I had cancer, but more tests needed to be completed. Unfortunately, my insurance denied those tests because they were too expensive. He wasn’t sure what to do. More trips to the ER, more tests, and more pain. I had never experienced this kind of deep pains. Finally they approved and uncovered that I had lymphoma cancer, stage 4.

Tetraphobia: SunFlower POWER

Asians are scared of the number 4. Indeed, they have a tetraphobia because when you pronounce the word for 4 in Chinese it sounds similar to the word for death or in Mandarin : , 四. Because other Asian countries were influenced by China, they also have the same curse. So when an Asian hears stage 4, that becomes a powerful knife into their spirit. It did for me. Month after month, every treatment of chemo failed. I prepared to die. However, I did not give up. Never give up! That is how I lived my life. If ten guys jump me, I fight back. I lived in Los Angeles and that happened more than once. I survived again and again. I am strong inside. They did a stem cell, bone marrow transplant. Expensive. However, it didn’t work. Instead, my head was exploding, and I never had headaches before. They feared I had cancer in my brain. However, the tests revealed no cancer there. I had a hug bump on my head.

Preparing for my Ted Talk. Cancer Free
Photo by Stephen Andrews on Unsplash

My Last Meal Lasted like Crap

One day, the head cook, himself, called my room at the hospital and personally asked me to try to create a special vegan meal. It looked amazing, for I could tell he was creative. He knew I didn’t eat meat. Happily, I ate it, but it literally tasted like excrement: shit. Yes, hospital food is terrible. We all know that. I almost threw up. It was like I was eating my last meal and feared my death, so the taste was terrible. Luckily, my children brought me Chinese food to save my sad soul. Shocked, it also tasted and smelled like shit. Have you ever seen a dog eat its own excrement? That is how I felt, like an old beat up dog, eating his shit and about to die. I lost weight because I stopped eating. They had an IV in me, so I was getting nutrients into my body. However, I lost my sense of smell and my sense of taste, one of the events caused by chemo.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

I didn’t eat for 2 weeks, and everyone was worried. I was ready to die. Life without food is not worth living. My girl friend left me, my best friend left me, and many more ghosted me. What is the point? I remember being kicked down a flight of stairs in Los Angeles by a gang because I refused to join them. I was fearless and an incredible street fighter. I stood up and smiled and walked away. They stood there on the stairs shocked because I had no bruises, no scars, no pain, and no sense. Most importantly, I was not scared. They let me go. In the hospital, cancer had kicked me down 4 flights of the stars and its 4 stages of death. Instead, I stood up, closed my eyes and like that old dog, I ate shit, daily. Ready to die! Hoping to live. My strength returned and my courage, but my sense of smell and my taste buds were not working correctly. I so hated it, but I forced myself to eat shit. Yuck and double yuck.

Photo by Tania Malréchauffé on Unsplash

I was released. However, the pain battles continued. One day while in the ER for 12 hours, they found out something. A miracle. They didn’t know why I was in pain. However, my cancer was gone. I was cancer free. My doctors were smiling, and nurses sang to me because I was there for so long, they knew me. I survived, for I am invincible. While in the ER and messaging people, one of my girlfriends messaged me back and asked me to leave her alone forever. She blocked me and to this day will not talked to me. I survived that too. Alone but alive, I walk away, invincible. My book about survival is coming soon!

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🚀 🚀 Dr. Wayne Stein, Manifestations ✅🍿
Warriors Learning to Learn

🚀 ✅ AKA Doc Samurai Sam, Ph.d. Critical Creative Hobbit ✅ 🍿Are you going to eat that? ✅ I make absolutely nothing here. Send me a demon chocolate donut ✅